Business news from Ukraine

Siemens to build new power plants in Uzbekistan

8 May , 2023  

On May 2, on the sidelines of the Uzbek-German business forum, Siemens Energy signed agreements on two projects with Thermal Power Plants JSC. It is specified that the company will be involved in the implementation of heat and electricity cogeneration technologies in the country.
It is planned to install four energy-efficient gas turbines with a capacity of 54 MW each. Two of them will be placed in the heating boiler house No. 3 in Bukhara and at the Mubarekskaya CHPP.
The plants will generate 1.7 million kWh of electricity and 1.5 Gcal of heat annually. The plants will employ 80 people for their maintenance. The total cost of the projects is EUR 72 million.
In addition, Siemens will build several new power plants.
With its support, it is planned to build a thermal power plant in Surkhandarya and launch it by the end of 2026. The German company will participate in the construction of a thermal power plant in the Navoi chemical cluster, as well as in the creation of wind and solar power plants with a total capacity of 1000 MW.

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