Business news from Ukraine

No outbreaks of infectious diseases have been recorded in Odessa

21 June , 2023  

According to the results of monitoring of the regional center for control and prevention of diseases Odessa regional center for control and prevention of diseases of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine cases of group incidence of infectious diseases have not been identified.
“No outbreaks of infectious diseases and group cases have been registered,” the department said in a statement posted on Facebook Tuesday evening.
Nevertheless, “according to the monitoring data, the incidence of acute intestinal infections in the region, compared to the previous week, increased by 10.5% (it is 190 cases against 172), including among adults – by 29.2% (93 against 72), among children under the age of 17 there was no change (…).”
The department stressed that the overall incidence rate per 100 thousand people was 8.1.
The highest incidence among the total number of cases is observed among children under 17 years (51.1%), and among them the most vulnerable is the age group from 1 to 4 years (50.4%).
Reportedly, only 1.8% of the total number of cases have no established cause of the disease.
It is noted that out of 168 registered patients with gastrointestinal disorders, 156 patients were tested for cholera, all with negative results.
The region continues to actively monitor water quality, with regular sampling of water from the sea and water.
“During the week 100 environmental samples were tested, including seawater – 52 samples, fresh water – 28 samples, sewage from infectious disease hospitals (departments) – 18, seafood (hydrobionts) – 2”.
It is reported that no cholera vibrio was detected in any of the monitoring points.
In addition, the results of samples of seawater for sanitary and microbiological with five public beaches in Odessa, it was found that the water does not meet hygienic requirements
“At present, a significant excess of microbiological indicators has already been recorded, so swimming or using such water for food processing is FORBIDDEN. The catching of fish and seafood in the sea and reservoirs, eating them, as well as buying such products is FORBIDDEN”, – were reminded in the Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
It is also noted that the sanitary-epidemic situation is under constant control, in addition, on the basis of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention formed groups of rapid response to various threats, including biological, chemical and radiological.
“Environmental monitoring is conducted on a daily basis. The headquarters works 24/7.The epidemic situation is predictable and manageable. But the general well-being of the population depends on each of us,” the agency summed up.