Business news from Ukraine

Ukraine threshed first mln tons of grain harvest 2023

7 July , 2023  

Agrarians from 12 regions began harvesting early grain and leguminous crops and threshed 1.24 million tons of grain with a yield of 33.2 centners / ha from 308.2 thousand hectares (3%), the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food.
According to the report, the pace of grain harvesting is leading agrarians Nikolaev region, which harvested grain from 118 thousand hectares (19%), by volume Odessa agrarians threshed 468.8 thousand tons. In total in Ukraine barley was harvested on 235 thousand hectares, which is 16% of UAH of which 805.8 thsd. tons were threshed at the yield of 34.3 cwt/ha.
Wheat was harvested from 51.4 thousand hectares (1%). With a yield of 33.5 c/ha it was threshed 172 thousand tons.
Peas were harvested from 21.7 ha (15%). With a yield of 21.1 centners/hectare it was threshed 45.8 thousand tons.
Agrarians from five regions have also begun to harvest winter rape: 86.2 thousand tons of seeds have been harvested. winter rape: 86,2 thousand tons of seeds at the yield of 18,1 centners/hectare on the area of 47,7 thousand hectares (3%).
As reported, winter wheat crops this season amounted to 4166 Hectares (-834 thsd. ha versus the previous one), winter barley – 536 thsd. ha (-255 thsd. ha), rape – 45 thsd. ha (-255 thsd. ha). thousand hectares), rape – 1374 thousand hectares (+110 thousand hectares).
