Business news from Ukraine

Ukraine in January-April reduced imports of lead, but increased imports of tin

19 May , 2024  

According to customs statistics released by the State Customs Service of Ukraine on Friday, Ukraine reduced imports of lead and lead products by 13.8% – to $406 thousand (in April – $124 thousand), imports of tin and tin products increased by 10.2% – to $887 thousand (in April – $267 thousand). Exports of lead and lead products decreased by 35.3% to $3.537 mln.
As reported, Ukraine in 2023 reduced imports of lead and lead products by 65.2% – to $989 thousand, imports of tin and tin products – by 23% – to $2.728 million. Exports of tin and tin products amounted to $159 thousand against $424 thousand for 2022.
Zinc exports for 2022 totaled $1.331 million, compared to $550 thousand in 2021. Exports of tin and products totaled $424 thousand in 2022, compared to $346 thousand the previous year.
Lead is used to make bullets and shot. It is part of many alloys, such as bearing alloys, printing alloy, tin-lead solder, bronzes and brasses. .
Tin is often used as a protective coating due to these properties. It is the main constituent of solder and babbitts, typographic alloys and bronzes.

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