Business news from Ukraine

In 2024 number of clients of “Express Insurance” on compulsory motor TPL insurance increased by 3.2 times

4 June , 2024  

The number of clients of IC “Express Insurance” on compulsory insurance of motor liability of owners of land vehicles (MTPL) in January-April 2024 increased by 3.2 times, the insurer’s website reports.

It is noted that this is the largest indicator in the market of MTPL insurance in Ukraine for this period.

Payments of the company on MTPL, victims of road accidents for this period, increased in 2,2 times and amounted to almost 19,4 million UAH. The average amount of damage, which was paid out by IC Express Insurance during this period, exceeded by 2% the similar indicator in the market and amounted to UAH 37,4 th.

The company also notes that as the number of clients increases, it accelerates the process of settlement of insurance events. According to the results of April 2024, the average number of days from the date of application to the date of payment in IC “Express Insurance” decreased to 29,6 days against 43,5 days in April 2023.

ALC “Express Insurance” was founded in 2008 with participation of the leader of the Ukrainian automobile market – corporation “UkrAVTO”. The company specializes in automobile insurance.

Since April 2012 IC “Express Insurance” is an associated member of the Motor Transport Insurance Bureau of Ukraine.
