Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ukraine has started talks on holding second peace summit – Volodymyr Zelenskyy

16 June , 2024  

Ukraine has started negotiations with a number of countries that have expressed interest in holding a second Peace Summit, President Volodymyr Zelensky has said.

“Every step towards a just peace has attracted the attention of certain groups of summit participants and countries that have not yet joined but are interested in peace,” Zelensky said at the conclusion of the first inaugural Peace Summit in Bürgenstock, Switzerland, on Sunday.

According to him, “we already have countries that have expressed their interest in holding a second peace summit, and we have started negotiations with them.”

The head of state did not name the list of such countries.

He also noted that “these days, uniting 101 countries and an international organization, we have achieved a great success for Ukraine and all partners.” “And our fair goal is that all countries of the world join this noble cause,” summarized Zelensky.


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