Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Number of labor migrants from Uzbekistan to Russia has quadrupled

25 June , 2024  

Uzbekistan is discussing a possible decrease in the flow of labor migrants to Russia due to the growing demand for labor within the country. This was stated by Alisher Ruziyev, head of the Department of the Agency for External Labor Migration under the Ministry of Employment and Poverty Reduction.

In recent years, the number of labor migrants from Uzbekistan to Russia has decreased from 4-6 million to one million. According to the press secretary of the President of Uzbekistan, Sherzod Asadov, this negative trend is due to the success of the reforms being implemented in the country.

He noted that Uzbekistan is currently experiencing a construction boom, so workers’ salaries have already approached the level of some facilities in Russia. This leads to a situation where many citizens may not see the point in labor migration to Russia because salaries in the country are becoming more competitive, AN Prime reports.

In addition, it is noted that in recent years, the Agency for External Labor Migration has expanded the geography of employment of Uzbek citizens abroad, which has helped to meet the demand for labor in Europe. This is part of the agency’s strategy to adapt to changing labor market conditions.

According to official data, about two million Uzbek citizens are working outside the country, including about one million in Russia, which is about 20% of the economically active population.


