Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Montenegro and Ukraine start consultations on preparation of security agreement

2 September , 2024  

Ukraine and Montenegro have started consultations on the preparation of a bilateral security agreement, the press service of the Ukrainian head of state said.

“Ukraine and Montenegro held a meeting on the conclusion of a bilateral security agreement. The document will contribute to strengthening security in Europe and deepening cooperation between the two countries,” – said in a message on the President’s website on Friday.

It is noted that today’s consultations were held by the Deputy Head of the Office of the President Igor Zhovkva. “We appreciate Montenegro’s unwavering position and unwavering support for Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian invasion. We share common values and look forward to Montenegro’s assistance on Ukraine’s path to NATO membership. Ukraine and Montenegro also aspire to EU membership and undoubtedly already contribute to the security and prosperity of Europe,” Zhovkva said, quoted by the press service.

Ukraine concludes bilateral security agreements in pursuance of the G7 Joint Declaration adopted last year on July 12 in Vilnius. Twenty-five agreements have already been signed with the countries that supported it.
