Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ukrzaliznytsia has changed train schedules due to flooding in Europe

16 September , 2024  

Ukrzaliznytsia (UZ) has updated information on the temporary cancellation and rerouting of a number of flights due to the massive flooding in Eastern Europe, including the cancellation of the Vienna-Budapest-Kyiv flight, the rerouting of the Chop-Vienna-Chop flight, and the introduction of shuttle service on the Prague-Premyshl-Prague flight.
“The Vienna – Budapest – Kyiv flight has been canceled today. Passengers with tickets in Vienna are asked to come to the information and service center and receive vouchers for free accommodation,” the company said on its Telegram channel.
For its part, Ukrzaliznytsia clarified that the Kyiv-Budapest-Vienna flight will be heading to Budapest. The company also announced a change in the route of Chop-Vienna-Chop flights, which will be detoured to the final station of the route.
The company also informs about the cancellation of train traffic on the route Prague – Przemysl – Prague and the organization of alternative routes.
“Prague-Premysl-Prague trains are not yet able to pass the flooded area on the Czech-Polish border. Tomorrow, shuttle traffic is expected from Prague to the border and from Przemyśl to the border with a bus shuttle around the flooded area,” the carrier said.

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