Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

“Naftogaz” paid over UAH 60 bln in taxes to budgets

16 September , 2024  

In January-August 2024, Naftogaz Group paid UAH 56.5 billion in taxes to the state budget of Ukraine and another UAH 4.3 billion to local budgets, the company reported on its website on Monday.
According to the company, this is more than 7% of all payments controlled by the State Tax Service of Ukraine.
In particular, in August, UAH 7.2 billion was paid to the state budget and UAH 0.6 billion to local budgets.
“The economic stability of the state during the war is a matter of national security. The Naftogaz Group remains a reliable pillar of the Ukrainian economy in wartime,” said Oleksiy Chernyshov, Chairman of the Board of Naftogaz of Ukraine.
As reported, in 2023, Naftogaz Group companies paid UAH 90.2 billion in taxes, UAH 83.4 billion of which went to the state budget and UAH 6.8 billion to local budgets.

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