Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


25 May , 2020  

Electricity consumption in Ukraine, taking into account in-process losses in power grids, decreased by 5.8% (by 3.121 billion kWh) in January-April 2020, compared to the same period in 2019, to 50.810 billion kWh, the Ministry of Energy and Environment Protection has told Interfax-Ukraine.
Excluding in-process losses, electricity consumption over the first four months decreased by 5% (by 2.166 billion kWh), to 40.769 billion kWh.
The country’s industry, excluding technological losses, reduced electricity consumption by 6.6%, to 16.288 billion kWh. In particular, metallurgical industry consumed 8.938 billion kWh (9.7% less compared to January-April 2019), fuel industry some 1.099 billion kWh (7.2% less), machine building industry some 1.172 billion kWh (17.7% less), chemical and petrochemical some 1.307 billion (17.1% more), food and processing some 1.408 billion kWh (3.6% less), construction some 670.5 million kWh (2.1% less), others some 1.694 billion kWh (1.1% more).
In addition, agricultural enterprises consumed 1.120 billion kWh (2.6% less), transport some 2.145 billion kWh (9.8% less), developers some 354.6 million kWh (8.3% less).
In January-April 2020 the country’s population consumed 13.108 billion kWh (0.9% less), households some 5.101 billion kWh (8.8% less) and other non-industrial consumers some 2.653 billion kWh (3.9% less).
The share of industry in total electricity consumption over the first four months fell from 40.6% to 40%, while the share of the population grew to 32.2% from 30.8%.
In April 2020, electricity consumption, taking into account in-process losses, decreased by 7% (by 835.6 million kWh) compared to the same month of 2019, to 11.086 billion kWh, excluding in-process losses it fell by 7.8% (763.1 million kWh), to 9.28 billion kWh.