Business news from Ukraine


27 July , 2020  

As of July 23, 2020 Ukrainian farmers harvested 20.6 million tonnes of grain and leguminous crops from an area of 5.7 million hectares (38% of the forecast).
According to a report on the website of the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture posted on Friday, July 24, 12.8 million tonnes of wheat from an area of 3.5 million hectares (53%) was harvested, 6.4 million tonnes of barley from an area of 1.7 million hectares (75%), and 385,000 tonnes of peas from an area of 173,000 hectares (74%).
In addition, 1.2 million tonnes of rapeseed were harvested from an area of 623,000 hectares (55%).
According to the ministry, the leaders in terms of harvest volumes since the beginning of the harvesting campaign are Dnipropetrovsk (2.7 million tonnes from an area of 787,000 hectares), Zaporizhia (2.7 million tonnes from an area of 776,000 hectares), Kherson (2.5 million tonnes from an area of 823,000 hectares), Mykolaiv (2.5 million tonnes from an area of 844,000 hectares) and Donetsk (2.2 million tonnes from an area of 596,000 hectares) regions.The Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture predicts that Ukrainian agricultural producers will harvest 68 million tonnes of grain crops in 2020 compared with 75 million tonnes in 2019.