Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ukrainian Youth Housing Construction Fund’s portfolio reaches UAH 2.1 bln

8 December , 2021  

The loan portfolio of the State Fund for Support of Youth Housing Construction has doubled in five years, reaching UAH 2.1 billion as of December 1, 2021, the fund’s press service has reported.
“The quality of the loan portfolio of the Fund is one of the best among financial institutions in Ukraine. The share of bad loans in the Fund’s portfolio as of September 30, 2021 was 3.1%, which is significantly lower than the average level of bad loans in banks (according to open sources, up to 40%),” the fund said.
According to the fund, today, it services 9,087 loan agreements: 4,608 loans issued from the state budget for UAH 494.4 million, 3,355 loans from local budgets for UAH 1 billion, 206 loans from grant funds from the German government through the KfW bank worth UAH 236.2 million, 918 loans from the charter capital of the Fund in the amount of UAH 363.6 million.
During the activity of the State Fund for Support of Youth Housing Construction, 41,385 contracts for the purchase of housing were concluded. More than UAH 11.4 billion has been invested in the construction and related industries.
As reported, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine extended the State Program for Provision of Youth with Housing until 2023
