Business news from Ukraine

Flow to enter Ukraine through western border increased to 281 thousand people in week

30 July , 2022  

The flow to enter Ukraine through its western border for the week from July 23 to July 29 amounted to about 281 thousand, while to exit – about 262 thousand, the State Border Service reports on Facebook.
Compared with the previous week, the number of people entering Ukraine slightly increased, while the number of those leaving it slightly decreased, as a result of which net inflow into the country increased to about 19,000 from about 5,000 a week ago, according to its data.
The number of passenger cars passing through the border remained at 119,000 a week, while the number of vehicles with humanitarian cargoes registered fell to 431 against 560 a week earlier.
Such data is confirmed by the Polish border service. According to her, from July 23 to 29, 162 thousand entered Poland from Ukraine (a week earlier – 163 thousand), while from Poland to Ukraine – 173 thousand (167 thousand).
In general, since the beginning of the war, 5.130 million arrived in Poland from Ukraine, while in the opposite direction – 3.218 million.
According to the State Border Service, over the past four weeks there has been a trend when on Sunday-Tuesday, noticeably more people enter Ukraine, and on Wednesday-Friday, a little more leaves.
As reported, since May 10, the flow to enter Ukraine through its western border has steadily exceeded the flow to exit for a month. Net inflow during this period amounted to 188 thousand. In the following weeks, there was no such unambiguous trend, and net inflow over this period decreased to 60 thousand.
According to UNHCR data, as of July 26, a total of 9.927 million people have left Ukraine since the beginning of the war (excluding entry flow), of which 4.944 million went to Poland, 1.857 million to Russia, 1.042 million to Hungary, and 890.2 thousand to Romania. ., Slovakia – 627.6 thousand, Moldova – 549.3 thousand, Belarus – 16.7 thousand.
At the same time, according to the UN, from February 28 to July 26, 3.996 million people entered Ukraine (excluding data from Hungary, the Russian Federation and Belarus).

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