Deutsche Amphibolin-Werke (DAW SE) concern, the parent company of the Caparol group of companies, has invested about UAH 20 million in expanding production at a plant in Dnipropetrovsk region. According to a report on Caparol’s website, a new production line of dry building mixes for Caparol and Krautol thermal insulation systems has been launched at the plant. The capacity of the new production line is 50 tonnes per shift.
„In the past few years, processes to improve energy efficiency have intensified in Ukraine, which increases the demand for products for thermal modernization of buildings. The experience and reputation of Caparol and Krautol are the main indicators of the quality of materials and trust in these brands,“ CEO of Caparol Ukraine Andriy Chikalo said.
The representative office of the German company Caparol has been working in Ukraine since 1996.
The subsidiary company Caparol Ukraine was opened in 2003, Caparol Dnipro in 2006.
The official opening of the Caparol production and logistics center in Ukraine took place in April 2008.
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