Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

30% of officials “made mistakes” in their declarations, on average, by UAH 15 million

9 October , 2024  

Every tenth declaration was subsequently corrected

1,246,435 declarations were filed by September 11, 2024, according to the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption. The number of corrected documents has almost doubled compared to last year.

As of mid-September, the number of all declarations (1.2 million) is already 2.8 times higher than in the same period in 2023, when there were 445 thousand. More than 134 thousand, or 11% of the submitted declarations were subsequently corrected.

This year, the NACP has started verifying 734 declarations of officials. In half of them – 392 cases – the checks have already been completed.

Among the fully examined declarations, 46% contain violations totaling UAH 1,856.1 million. In general, all errors are related to incorrectly stated amounts in the declarations. The difference is in the amount of inaccuracies: the amounts were less or more than 500 subsistence minimums.

In 30% of all audited declarations, the data totaling UAH 1,808.7 million were incorrect (Article 366-2 of the Criminal Code). On average, officials “made a mistake” in each such declaration by UAH 15.2 million.

In another 16% of the audited declarations, officials made mistakes, on average, by UAH 790 thousand per declaration (part 4 of Article 172-5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses). In total, such errors amounted to UAH 47.3 million.

The amount of errors was less than UAH 268 thousand or up to 100 subsistence minimums in every second audited declaration.

Only 1 declaration out of all those checked had no violations.

In some cases, the declarations violated 2 articles at once. 7 declarations also have signs of illicit enrichment totaling UAH 146.3 million (Article 368-5 of the Criminal Code). In another 8 documents, officials could not explain the origin of money in the amount of UAH 30.1 million (Article 290 of the Civil Procedure Code).
