Business news from Ukraine

Andy Hunder: 84% of American Chamber of Commerce companies in Ukraine have employees serving in Armed Forces of Ukraine

27 May , 2024  

84% of the American Chamber of Commerce companies in Ukraine have employees serving in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, said Andy Hunder, President of the American Chamber of Commerce.

“Today, 84% of the American Chamber of Commerce companies in Ukraine have employees serving in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This means that 9 out of 10 companies have defenders,” he said at the Ministry of Veterans’ Summit “Veteran’s Path from Military Service to Civilian Life” in Kyiv on Monday.

According to him, the issue of veterans’ reintegration is a key one for ATP.

“It is important to create conditions in which these defenders will become economically active again, will be able to realize their knowledge and skills in peaceful life,” Gunder emphasized.