Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Insurer “Express Insurance” in January-May collected insurance premiums in the amount of UAH 350 mln

IC “Express Insurance” (Kiev) in January-May this year collected insurance premiums in the amount of UAH 350 mln, which is 35,6% more than in the same period of 2023.

As it is specified on the website of the insurer, during this period 2,5 times more contracts were concluded than in five months of 2023.

Premiums on CASCO amounted to UAH 277,6 mln (+20,9% to 5 months of 2023), on MTPL – UAH 61,1 mln (2,9 times more), VHI – UAH 4,9 mln (+13,4%), on other types of insurance – UAH 6,4 mln (+2,1 times).

In May 2024, the company attracted UAH 82.3mn of premiums, which is 28% more than in May last year. Among them, CASCO premiums amounted to UAH 64.8mn (+13.8%), MTPL premiums – UAH 15.8mn (+149.5%).

As reported, during this period the company paid UAH 200 mln, which is by 64.3% or by UAH 78.1 mln more than the same indicator of 2023.

Including payments on CASCO amounted to UAH 170.3 million, or 61.7% of all payments, and payments on MTPL – UAH 24.7 million (+116.7%), on voluntary health insurance – UAH 2.4 million (-14.4%), payments on other insurance contracts – UAH 2.1 million (+12.08%).

Express Insurance” ALC was founded in 2008 and is a part of “UkrAvto” group of companies. The company specializes in car insurance. Since April 2012 it is an associate member of the Motor Transport Insurance Bureau of Ukraine.



Datagroup-Vola-Lifecell to receive $435 mln in financing

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) of the World Bank Group (WB) will provide $435 million in financing for the merged Datagroup-Vola-Lifecell following the completion of the acquisition of Ukrainian assets by France’s NJJ.
“On the sidelines of the Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC2024) in Berlin, we reached strategic agreements with the EBRD and IFC to finance the projects of the combined Datagroup, Volia and Lifecell for up to $435 million,” Datagroup-Volia CEO Mykhailo Shelemba wrote on Facebook on Tuesday evening.
According to him, the funds will be allocated after the acquisition and merger of the companies is finalized. They will be used to support the convergence of fixed mobile communications (FMC), increase investments in the combined network, and purchase licenses and equipment needed to expand fixed and mobile infrastructure.
“I thank the EBRD and IFC for supporting Ukraine and Ukrainian business in this difficult time of war. And once again, I thank NJJ Holding and personally (its owner – IF-U) Xavier Niel for their faith in Ukrainians and our development potential,” Shelemba wrote.
He noted that the entry of a global Western strategic operator into the Ukrainian telecom market and the financing of the merged company by international structures should have a positive impact on Ukraine’s economy: it will accelerate future growth, increase resilience in difficult military conditions and help bridge the country’s digital divide.
Earlier it was reported that the AMCU at its meeting on March 7 allowed DVL Telecom, a subsidiary of NJJ, to acquire control over Datagroup Holding Limited (Datagroup-Volya). At the same time, the Committee announced that it had found grounds for prohibiting DVL Telecom’s acquisition of control over the Turkcell-controlled Lifecell Group and requested additional information in April. Turkcell expects the deal with NJJ to be closed by the end of 2024.

Map of international partnerships of Ukrainian cities and towns was presented at conference on Ukraine’s reconstruction in Berlin.

A map of international partnerships of Ukrainian cities and towns was presented at the International Conference on Ukraine’s Recovery, which is taking place in Germany on June 11-12, Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko said.

“During the International Conference on the reconstruction of Ukraine presented a map of international partnerships of Ukrainian cities and towns. The database was prepared by the Association of Ukrainian Cities together with the Council of European Municipalities and Regions,” he wrote in his Telegram channel on Wednesday.

Klitschko noted that now only a third of Ukrainian communities have partners in other countries, of which 200 – among municipalities in Germany.

“Today at the conference discussed the further development of such cooperation. Because, as our partners emphasize, it is the cooperation of cities, strengthening local self-government is key to strengthening European democracy. And also – for the future reconstruction of Ukraine,” – wrote Klitschko.


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UMGI investierte in den letzten 2 Jahren fast 22 Millionen Dollar in die Entwicklung der SCM-Gruppe

Die zur SCM Group gehörende Investmentgesellschaft umgi (ehemals UMG Investments) hat in den Jahren 2022-2023 fast 22 Millionen Dollar in die Entwicklung der Geschäfte der Gruppe investiert.

Laut einer Pressemitteilung vom Mittwoch hat umgi im vergangenen Jahr seine Strategie der Erschließung europäischer Märkte durch Investitionen in das Wachstum seiner Vermögenswerte weiter umgesetzt.

Demnach wurde das Portfolio der Industrieprodukte von umgi durch die Eröffnung eines neuen Werks zur Herstellung von Pulverdrähten der Inwire Group in Izmit (Türkei), einem der größten Hersteller von Komponenten für die metallurgische Industrie in der Ukraine, erweitert. Der Bau und die Inbetriebnahme der Anlage dauerten zwei Jahre. Die Produkte der neuen Produktionsstätte sind darauf ausgerichtet, den Bedarf des lokalen Marktes der Türkei und anderer Länder des Nahen Ostens zu decken, und werden zur Stärkung der Position des Herstellers auf dem Weltmarkt beitragen.

Die Gesamtinvestition in das Projekt beläuft sich auf 2,4 Mio. $ ab 2022. umgi hat außerdem sein Upstream-Portfolio durch die Eröffnung neuer Produktionsanlagen der VESCO-Gruppe in Spanien gestärkt.

“umgi strebt den Aufbau eines Portfolios mit einem Marktwert von 1 Mrd. USD an, indem wir unser Know-how auf den globalen Märkten einsetzen und internationale Partner in die Erholung der Ukraine einbinden. Unser Investmentteam erkundet ständig neue Geschäftsmöglichkeiten und baut ein Netzwerk von Partnern auf dem ukrainischen, EU-, türkischen und indischen Markt auf. Unser Ziel ist es, unser Portfolio mit neuen Industrie- und Gesundheitsgeschäften sowohl in der Ukraine als auch im Ausland zu stärken und ein bis zwei Vereinbarungen pro Jahr abzuschließen”, sagte Andriy Gorokhov, CEO von umgi.

In der Pressemitteilung wird darauf hingewiesen, dass umgi die ukrainische Wirtschaft systematisch unterstützt. Der Gesamtbetrag der von den Unternehmen unter der Leitung von umgi gezahlten Steuern belief sich im Jahr 2023 auf mehr als 321 Millionen UAH. Außerdem hat das Unternehmen zur Unterstützung der AFU, der TRO und der Gemeinden in den Orten, in denen umgi-Unternehmen präsent sind, 6 Mio. UAH bereitgestellt und Waren und Dienstleistungen für 2 Mio. UAH geliefert. Den Verteidigern werden Spezialausrüstungen für den Bau von Befestigungsanlagen, persönliche Schutzausrüstungen, technische Mittel, Treibstoff und andere notwendige Dinge zur Verfügung gestellt, Hilfe beim Bau von Befestigungsanlagen, Bereitstellung von Baumaterialien usw. geleistet.

Die Gesamtverluste der umgi für das Jahr 2023 belaufen sich nach internen Schätzungen auf etwa 20 Mio. $. Insbesondere das Feuerfestwerk in Chasovoyarsk, das zur VESCO-Gruppe gehört, befindet sich in einer aktiven Kampfzone.

“Trotz der erheblichen Verluste, die unsere Anlagen durch die russische Invasion erlitten haben, zeigt sich das ukrainische Geschäft widerstandsfähig und passt sich schnell an die neuen Bedingungen an. In der verarbeitenden Industrie, im Baugewerbe und in der Logistik sehen wir Anzeichen für eine Erneuerung. Feednova hat sein Budget trotz Kriegsrecht und Grenzblockaden voll erfüllt. Außerdem wurde beschlossen, das Geschäft in der Zentralukraine zu erweitern. Recycling Solutions schloss die Verlagerung seiner Mikrokugel-Recyclingproduktion in die Westukraine ab und wurde zu einem der größten Importeure von granulierter Schlacke in der EU. Intech und PortInvest steigerten ihr Frachtvolumen im Vergleich zu 2022”, fügte Gorochow hinzu.

Im Jahr 2023 eröffnete umgi eine offizielle Repräsentanz in Warschau, Polen. Das Büro ist für die Koordinierung der Auslandsinvestitionen des Unternehmens zuständig und unterstützt die Vermögenswerte von umgi bei der Suche nach Möglichkeiten in der EU.

Wie berichtet, erwirtschaftete die VESCO-Gruppe, in der das Tonabbaugeschäft der Investmentgesellschaft umgi zusammengefasst ist, im Jahr 2023 einen Bruttoumsatz von 75,2 Mio. USD. Für 2024 plant die Vesco-Gruppe eine Verdoppelung ihres Umsatzes. Gleichzeitig arbeitet sie aktiv an der strategischen Geschäftsexpansion in Europa, mit der sie bereits 2019 begonnen hat, denn die wichtigsten Märkte für VESCO-Tone sind Italien, Spanien, die Ukraine, die Türkei und Polen. Im Jahr 2023 begann die Gruppe über VESCO CLAYS SPAIN mit der Gewinnung von Ton aus dem Steinbruch Encarnita in Spanien.

Darüber hinaus wird 2024 der Abbau in Unternehmen der VESCO-Gruppe in der Ukraine aufgenommen. Das geplante Volumen beträgt bis zu 500 Tausend Tonnen, was mehr als sechsmal weniger ist als in der Vorkriegszeit, aber genug, um die Flexibilität des Produktportfolios wiederherzustellen und den Kunden keramische Rohstoffe anzubieten, die auf ihre individuellen Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten sind.

umgi ist eine Investmentgesellschaft, die sich auf die Entwicklung von Unternehmen in den Bereichen Rohstoffe und Verarbeitung konzentriert. Sie wurde 2006 von der SCM Group gegründet. Investitionsschwerpunkte: Bergbau; Nebenprodukt- und Abfallmanagement; Produktion von Industriegütern und Dienstleistungen. Der Gesamtwert der Portfoliounternehmen von UMG wird auf über 500 Mio. USD geschätzt.

Quelle: Interfax-Ukraine

UMGI invested almost $22 mln in the development of SCM Group’s businesses over 2 years

SCM Group’s investment company umgi (formerly UMG Investments) has invested almost $22 mln in the development of the group’s businesses in 2022-2023.

According to Wednesday’s press release, last year umgi continued to implement its strategy of entering European markets by investing in the growth of its assets.

It is specified that umgi’s portfolio of industrial products has expanded due to the opening of a new powdered wire production plant of Inwire Group in Izmit (Turkey), which is one of the largest producers of components for the metallurgical industry in Ukraine. The construction and launch of the facility took two years. The products of the new production facility are oriented to cover the needs of the local market of Turkey and other Middle East countries and will contribute to strengthening the position of the manufacturer in the global market.

The total investment in the project amounted to $2.4 million from 2022. umgi has also strengthened its upstream portfolio by opening new production facilities of VESCO Group in Spain.

“umgi aims to build a portfolio with a market value of $1 billion by applying our expertise in global markets as well as engaging international partners in Ukraine’s recovery. Our investment team is constantly exploring new business opportunities and developing a network of partners in the Ukrainian, EU, Turkish and Indian markets. We aim to strengthen our portfolio with new industrial and healthcare businesses both in Ukraine and abroad, closing one or two agreements per year,” said Andriy Gorokhov, CEO of umgi.

The press release notes that umgi systematically supports the economy of Ukraine The total amount of taxes paid by businesses under the company’s management for 2023 amounted to more than 321 million UAH. Also, to support the AFU, TROs and communities in places where umgi businesses are present, 6 million UAH was allocated and goods and services for 2 million UAH were provided. Special equipment for the construction of fortifications, personal protective equipment, technical means, fuel and other necessary things are transferred to the defenders, assistance is provided in the construction of fortifications, provision of construction materials, etc.

The total umgi losses from the war for 2023, according to internal estimates, amount to about $20 million. In particular, the Chasovoyarsk refractory plant, which is part of VESCO Group, is in an active combat zone.

“Despite the significant losses suffered by our assets due to Russia’s full-scale invasion, Ukrainian business demonstrates resilience and is quickly adapting to new conditions. We see signs of renewal in the processing, construction and logistics industries. Feednova has fully met its budget despite martial law and border blockades. Moreover, a decision has been made to scale the business in Central Ukraine. Recycling Solutions completed the relocation of its microsphere recycling production to Western Ukraine and became one of the largest importers of granulated slag in the EU. Intech and PortInvest increased cargo volumes compared to 2022,” Gorokhov added.

In 2023, umgi opened an official representative office in Warsaw, Poland. The office is responsible for coordinating the company’s foreign investments and facilitates umgi’s assets in finding opportunities in the EU.

As reported, VESCO group, which combines the clay mining business of the investment company umgi, generated $75.2 million in gross revenue in 2023. In 2024, Vesco group plans to double its sales volume. At the same time, it is actively working on strategic business expansion in Europe, which it started working on back in 2019, as the main markets for VESCO clays are Italy, Spain, Ukraine, Turkey and Poland. In 2023, through VESCO CLAYS SPAIN, the group started extracting clay from the Encarnita deposit quarry in Spain.

In addition, in 2024, mining operations will be launched at VESCO Group enterprises in Ukraine. The planned volume is up to 500 thousand tons, which is more than six times less than in the pre-war period, but it is enough to restore the flexibility of the product portfolio and offer customers ceramic raw materials tailored to their individual needs, taking into account the stocks.

umgi is an investment company with a focus on developing businesses in the raw materials and processing sectors. It was founded in 2006 by SCM Group. Investment focus: mining; by-product and waste management; production of industrial goods and services. The total value of UMG portfolio companies is estimated at more than $500 mln.

Source: Interfax-Ukraine

Czech partners provide rescuers of Mobile Rescue Center of State Emergency Service of Ukraine with latest pTRACK system

Today, representatives of the Czech company SEFOR Solutions visited the Mobile Rescue Center of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine to hand over the new pTRACK system.

First, the Czech partners made a presentation of the system, demonstrating its key features and benefits. After the theoretical part, the rescuers were able to see the system in action: the team of emergency workers put on trackers and went on a mock search operation. All those present could watch the tracking system on the screen, evaluating its benefits for the rescue operation.

The pTRACK system offers a number of innovative solutions: tracking the movement of teams, storing the history of the position of objects in a mapping application, prompt decision-making and coordination of search and rescue operations. It provides clear data on search areas and two-way transmission of warning signals between the post and the search team.

Importantly, the system can relay connections between unit leaders and subordinates in difficult terrain conditions, saving all data to a USB flash drive in case of connection loss.

“This system will help us significantly increase the efficiency of our search and rescue operations, as it is designed to operate in any, even the most difficult, working conditions. We are grateful to our Czech friends for their support and such important technical assistance,” said Yuriy Tsykenyuk, First Deputy Head of the MRC of the SES of Ukraine.