Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Bankrupt American cryptocurrency exchange will return money to almost all customers

The American cryptocurrency exchange FTX, which went bankrupt in 2022, will refund almost all customers, MarketWatch reports, citing court documents.

FTX’s debt to creditors is about $11.2 billion, and the amount of funds to cover the debt is $14.6-16.3 billion.

The exchange intends to pay interest to creditors from the remaining funds. For most, the rate will be 9%.

Customers and creditors claiming $50 thousand or less will receive about 118% of the amount. About 98% of customers will be affected by the payments.

FTX found the funds for the payments by monetizing assets, mainly investments of its affiliates Alameda and FTX Ventures, and lawsuits.

The platform went bankrupt in November 2022, at that time it was the third largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world.

In March, the former head of FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried, was sentenced to 25 years in prison for misappropriation of client funds.

On May 9 and 10, there will be frosts in Ukraine at night

On the night of May 9 and 10, in Ukraine, except for the southern part and Transcarpathia, frosts of 0-5°C will be recorded on the soil surface, the first level of danger (yellow) has been declared, the Ukrainian Weather Center reports.

Also, on the night of May 9 in Chernihiv and Sumy regions and on the night of May 10 in Sumy, Kharkiv and Luhansk regions, severe frosts of 0-3°C were reported, the second level of danger (orange) was declared.

The head of the supervisory board of VGP JSC has changed

Oleksandr Munteanu, a representative of the shareholder, director of Foray Capital LLC (Kiev), has been elected as the head of the Supervisory Board of VGP JSC (Lutsk), the managing company of a large producer of sanitary-hygienic paper products under Ruta TM.

According to the publication of VGP JSC in the disclosure system of the National Commission for Securities and Stock Market (NCSSM), such decision was made by its nabsovet at the meeting on April 30, after the decision of the sole shareholder – the company Tissico Limited (Cyprus) Munteanu was introduced to the nabsovet instead of the former head of the SB Konstantin Shevchenko.

The other members of the Board – Natalia Miretskaya and Kamil Gotza – were re-elected by the shareholder’s decision for a new two-year term.

The company produces sanitary and hygienic products based on cellulose from imported base paper.

It is among the three largest Ukrainian producers of these products.

VGP’s brand portfolio includes napkins, toilet paper, paper handkerchiefs, kitchen towels. The assortment includes more than 180 items.

Beneficiaries of VGP, according to YouControl, are the director of the company Ilya Miretsky and Czech citizen Kamil Gotsa.

As reported, in 2023 the company produced products for UAH 1 billion 611 million, which is 64.8% more than in 2022.

According to the resource Clarity-project, in 2023 the company received 185.2 million UAH of net profit against 3.6 million UAH a year earlier.

The main specialization of Foray Capital LLC is consulting on commercial real estate and management.


National Bank has fined IC “Arsenal Insurance”

The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) has fined PJSC IC Arsenal Insurance (Kiev) for 255 thousand UAH for violation of requirements in the sphere of financial monitoring. As reported on the regulator’s website, the measure was applied for violation of the requirements of the law “On prevention and counteraction to legalization (laundering) of proceeds of crime, financing of terrorism and financing of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction” (VAT/FT). In particular, the company was fined for improper fulfillment of the obligation to develop and implement internal documents, as well as for insufficient customer due diligence, including failure to verify clients in accordance with the procedure established by law.

In addition, the fine has been imposed for non-implementation of additional measures in the proper verification of the client, the ultimate beneficial owner of which is a politically exposed person, and insufficient application of risk-oriented approach, including improper fulfillment of the obligation to carry out an assessment of risks inherent in its activities.

IC “Arsenal Insurance” is the legal successor of IC “Arsenal-Dnepr”, operating in Ukraine since 2005. It is represented in all regional centers and some large cities of the country.


EU ambassadors approve Ukraine Plan, which provides for EUR 50 bln in funding under Ukraine Facility

Permanent Representatives of the European Union member states have agreed to the Plan for Ukraine submitted by Kyiv, which is necessary for financing under the Ukraine Facility in the amount of EUR 50 billion for the period up to 2027.

The decision was made on Wednesday in Brussels as part of a meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives, the Belgian Presidency reports on its Facebook page.

“The EU ambassadors agreed in principle to the Plan for Ukraine, which sets out the country’s reform efforts to receive EU financial assistance until 2027 under the Ukraine Facility,” the statement said.

The decision must then be approved by a qualified majority of the EU Economic and Financial Council, which will meet on May 14.

The Ukraine Facility is an instrument that provides for the possibility of Ukraine receiving EU financial and technical assistance totaling EUR 50 billion in 2024-2027. Of this amount, EUR 38.27 billion will be allocated for budgetary support, EUR 6.97 billion for the investment fund, and EUR 4.76 billion for technical and administrative support.

On March 18, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the plan for the Ukraine Facility, and on March 20, the document was submitted to the European Commission. On April 15, the EC gave its positive assessment of the plan.


Price of Ukrainian peas will not be lower than $325 per 1 ton – forecast

The price of Ukrainian peas in the season-2024 will be at least $325 per 1 ton, said Antonina Skliarenko, the head of the Community of Pulses Producers and Consumers of Ukraine.

The association reminded that recently the Indian government announced the extension of the duty-free import of yellow peas to the country until October 3 this year. This decision was caused by serious weather problems, which negatively affected the yield of crops grown in the country and led to the development of a deficit in the domestic market.

“The global demand for Ukrainian yellow peas will remain stable until the end of the year, and prices will grow. Prices for the 2024 harvest of Ukrainian peas are expected to reach at least $325 per ton,” Skliarenko predicts.

According to her, Ukrainian farmers have already expanded the area under this pulses crop in anticipation of rising demand and prices on the global market. According to official data, 161 thou hectares of peas were planted in Ukraine, but the actual acreage is higher.

“The upcoming season promises to be successful for pea producers, as the global demand for the pulses grown at favorable prices will be met,” the head of the association is confident.