Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Switzerland to allocate 5 bln francs for Ukraine’s recovery over 12 years

The Swiss government will allocate 5 billion francs as part of its long-term support for Ukraine. The program will last for 12 years, until 2036, the government’s press service reports.
“As a first step, about 1.5 billion Swiss francs are to be allocated from the international cooperation budget by 2028. This amount clearly demonstrates Switzerland’s solidarity with the people affected by the war in Ukraine and will increase stability on the European continent,” the statement said.
It is noted that in the period 2029-2036, the Federal Council also intends to explore other sources (in addition to international cooperation) from which the remaining 3.5 billion Swiss francs can be obtained.
The Federal Council has also commissioned the development of a joint country program for Ukraine, including appropriate oversight mechanisms. This program should ensure targeted and effective support and be based on the seven Lugano principles: partnership, reform focus, transparency, accountability and rule of law, democratic participation, multi-stakeholder engagement, gender equality and inclusiveness, and sustainability.
The Federal Council also instructed to determine how the country program for Ukraine will be implemented in the strategic plan. In particular, a proposal to establish an interagency coordination group headed by a delegate from Ukraine should be prepared and submitted to the Federation Council for approval.

Impact of electricity deficit on real GDP vs no deficit, % (forecast up to 2024)

Impact of electricity deficit on real GDP vs no deficit, % (forecast up to 2024)

Source: and


Energy imports, forecast, bln dollars

Energy imports, forecast, bln dollars

Source: and

BCPP plans to obtain license to produce baby food and dietary food products

PJSC SIC Borshchahivskiy Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant (BCPP, Kyiv) may obtain a license to produce baby food and dietary food products.

As the company reported in the information disclosure system of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission (NSSMC), the issue of obtaining such licenses at the initiative of shareholder Aletber Limited (Cyprus) is on the agenda of the shareholders’ meeting to be held on April 30.

By the end of 2023, BCPP increased production by 17.6% compared to 2022 to almost UAH 1.866 billion, but in physical terms it decreased by 3.3% to 34.8 million packs. At the same time, 40.3 million packs were sold last year, which is 7.8% less than in 2022, while total sales increased by 16.5% to UAH 1.806 billion.

In 2023, BCPP’s net profit increased by 3.38% compared to 2022 to UAH 262.863 million.

As of the first quarter of 2023, 31.8% of BCPP shares were owned by the pharmaceutical company Pharmaceutical Firm “Darnitsa” (Kyiv).

According to the Opendatabot system, the ultimate beneficiaries of BCPP are also the beneficiary of the pharmaceutical company “Darnitsa” Hlib Zagoriy, Yevhen Sova and Tetiana Artemenko.

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Rapeseed production in Ukraine may reach 4.3 mln tons this year

The production of rapeseed in Ukraine in 2024 may reach 4.3 mln tonnes, up 4% from the previous estimate, but 7% down from the 2023 figures, according to the forecast of APK-Inform information and analytical agency.

“The forecast was adjusted due to the increase of the planted area under this crop to 1.49 mln ha (+4% to the previous estimate; -4% to 2023),” the analysts explained.

They also increased the export potential of rapeseed in 2024/2025 MY to 3.6 mln tonnes, up 2% from the previous estimate, but 2% down from the previous season-2023/2024.

Experts noted that the condition of winter rapeseed after wintering was mostly assessed as good and satisfactory. However, the lack of moisture observed in the soil due to the rather dry March and the first half of April raised concerns about the yield potential. The situation is expected to be affected by the cyclone that entered the country this week.

“The popularity of rapeseed in Ukraine has increased significantly in recent years, driven by the consistently high demand for the oilseed from European importers. Therefore, rapeseed in Ukraine is now one of the most highly liquid crops and it is a fairly quick way for an agricultural producer to get money,” the agency stated.

In addition, in the last few years, the price of rapeseed on the domestic market has been quite attractive for farmers and among the key oilseeds is second only to soybean prices, but it is quite sensitive to world production and to the price dynamics on the European market of this oilseed.

“In the new season, the prospects for Ukrainian rapeseed are also quite good: the production of this oilseed in the EU is expected to decrease (from -2% according to the European Commission to -10% according to Strategie Grains), which is already creating a rush in the market. However, according to the recent estimates of FAS USDA, in 2024 the production of Australian canola may increase by 14%, which together with Canadian oilseed is the direct competitor of Ukrainian rapeseed on the European market,” – forecasts APK-Inform.

Forecast of power system capacity deficit, %

Forecast of power system capacity deficit, %

Source: and