Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


TerraTarsa Ukraine LLC (Kherson region) has invested over $1 million in the launch of a first stage of the liquid mineral fertilizer plant in Kakhovka, Kherson region. According to a report of the Kherson Regional Administration, a production capacity of the first stage of the plant is 60,000 liters a day (3 million liters a year). The plant can store 100,000 liters of fertilizers. The production process is fully automated.
In addition, the company plans to open the second stage for production of crystalline fertilizers with a capacity of 15,000 tonnes a year. Currently, 75 people are working at the enterprise.
TerraTarsa Ukraine was founded in autumn 2011 after the merger of Doktor Tarsa (Turkey) and Terra Ltd. (Ukraine). The company supplies the Ukrainian market and the markets of neighboring countries with complex technological solutions for intensive cultivation of a wide range of crops, offers more than 20 types of fertilizers.
In September 2017, the company opened the Terralab soil-agrochemical laboratory in Kakhovka, which conducts a number of tests (soil, water, fertilizers and plants). The volume of investments is $500,000. According to the unified public register of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, the founder of TerraTarsa Ukraine is TerraTarsa B.V. (the Netherlands), and the ultimate beneficiary is Andriy Hoholev.

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National energy company Ukrenergo and Moldelectrica have signed the operation agreement on the creation of a regulating unit as part of the power grids, which contains general technological aspects, provisions and technical conditions for ensuring synchronous operation of the Ukrainian and Moldovan power grids and fully meets the requirements and rules of the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO- Е).
“The agreement regulates and ensures the synchronous operation of the power girds of Ukraine and Moldova, and in the future it will ensure the synchronous operation of the ENTSO-E power system of the continental Europe,” the company said, citing Ukrenergo’s Deputy CEO for Operational Management, Chief Dispatcher Vitaliy Zaichenko in the report.
According to him, the document approved all the required technological conditions in accordance with European rules and standards to regulate the frequency and power capacity within the power grids of Ukraine and Moldova.
Ukrenergo said that a procedure has also been developed for a quick amendment of the agreement required at the moment of the integration of power grids into ENTSO-E.
In addition, the parties agreed on a quarterly monitoring of the implementation of the agreement.
Ukrenergo operates trunk and interstate transmission lines, as well as centralized dispatching of the country’s integrated power grids. Ukrenergo is a state-owned enterprise under Ukraine’s Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry, but it will be transformed into a private joint-stock company soon.

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The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine has permitted Ukrainian Ceramic Technologies LLC (Khmelnytsky) to buy a brick plat from Czech Export Bank (CEB, Prague). As the press service of the regulator reported on Thursday, the company received permission to buy a complex of buildings of the brick factory with equipment and a land parcel, which provides for the production and sale of ceramic bricks of various types.
As reported, early October 2018, a brick factory in the village of Kuzmyntsi (Kaharlyk district, Kyiv region), put up for sale by the Czech Export Bank, was sold for UAH 170 million – a record amount at the OpenMarket electronic trading platform of the state-owned enterprise SETAM. According to the documentation provided in the announcement, the lot included a complex of buildings of the brick factory with a total area of 15,900 square meters, land area of 3 hectares, and equipment.
Kuzmyntsi brick factory, which began operating in 2002, was declared bankrupt in April 2016.

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HarvEast intends to increase the irrigated area by 500-800 hectares next year and plant walnuts on an area of about 30-40 hectares.
“We will continue to invest in irrigation, we are pleased with the results on the 1,100 hectares that are now under irrigation. Next year we will add 500 or 800 hectares. In addition, we continue to develop walnut growing: this year we’ve planted 30 hectares, we have a total of 90 hectares, and we plan to plant 30-40 hectares annually,” HarvEast Director General Dmytro Skorniakov told Interfax-Ukraine.
According to him, the company does not set a goal to increase its land bank, but if there is an interesting offer, it is possible.
“In general, this year it is probably the worst year in the last 20-30 years in southern Ukraine. For us, respectively, it is the worst year in the entire history of the company in terms of harvest. We have already harvested the whole crop, but there are no final data yet,” he said.
HarvEast is an agricultural holding, whose core business is plant growing (growing wheat, sunflower, barley, etc.) and dairy farming. It cultivates about 97,000 hectares of land.

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