Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


Chairman of the parliamentary committee for industrial policy and entrepreneurship (Deputy Head of the Liashko Radical Party for Economic Policy) MP Viktor Halasiuk has said that a special investigation into growth of imports of ferrous metals to Ukraine by 25% should be conducted and he advocates the introduction of safeguard measures for the supplies of ferrous metals from China, Turkey, Russia and other countries.
“The Radical Party demands from the government and the Ministry of Economy to immediately conduct a special investigation into the unprecedented 25% growth this year in imports of ferrous metals and products from Ukraine. In addition, the people’s deputies insist on the introduction of preventive measures to protect Ukrainian metallurgy from predatory imports from China, Turkey , Russia and other countries,” the industrial policy committee said in a press release of with reference to Halasiuk.
According to him, the closure of the largest global markets and the intensification of the struggle for existing sales markets for metal products is a real threat to the Ukrainian industry and economy. At the same time, imports of ferrous metals in Ukraine have already grown by 25%, therefore, hundreds of thousands of jobs in the mining and metallurgy sector and related industries are under attack.
“We demand urgent measures to prevent the growth of imports of metal products from China, Turkey, the Russian Federation and other countries that are fiercely fighting for new markets for their products. It is also important to lobby for access of Ukrainian metal products to foreign markets, including through the export credit agency,” Halasiuk said, stressing that the United States, Canada, the EU, China, EurAsEC, Turkey, some African countries and others actively protect the domestic market of metal products from imports, increasing imports duties by 25% and more.
“Governments of the world’s largest economies are taking all possible and impossible measures to protect their own producers of metal and metal products,” he said.

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President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine has signed the law on ratification of a memorandum of mutual understanding between Ukraine and the European Union on the allocation to Ukraine of macrofinancial assistance from the European Union to the tune of EUR 1 billion, the presidential website said. By implementing the memorandum, Ukraine will be able to receive additional funding from the EU to the tune of EUR 1 billion to be used for purposes stated in the national budget.
In order to receive each of the two tranches of the EU’s financial assistance to the tune of EUR 500 million each, Ukraine must meet certain conditions that have been agreed upon by the parties in such areas as tax and customs policy, fighting corrupting, small-scale privatization, management of state-run enterprises, corporate management in state-owned banks and banking supervision, and further reforms in power industry, health care, and social care.
As was earlier reported, the Verkhovna Rada ratified the memorandum on November 8, 2018.
The agreements were signed in Kyiv on September 14, 2018, following President Poroshenko’s earlier agreements with leaders of EU institutions as a result of the East Partnership Summit that took place in Brussels on November 23, 2017, and the 20th Ukraine-the EU summit that was held in Kyiv on July 9, 2018.

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Milkiland, a dairy group with assets in Ukraine, Russia and Poland, in January-September 2018 saw EUR 13.42 million of net loss compared with EUR 4.55 million of net profit a year ago.
According to an unaudited report of the group posted on the website of the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE), revenue over the period fell by 6.6%, to EUR 98.8 million, and gross profit – by 24.4%, to EUR 15.92 million. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) grew 1.8-fold, to EUR 4.38 million.
Milkiland in January-September 2018 saw EUR 3.41 million of operating loss compared with EUR 3.01 million of operating profit a year ago.
The loan portfolio of the group was EUR 86.2 million as of September 30, 2018 compared with EUR 86.6 million as of late 2017, mainly thanks to repayment of the indebtedness under the restructuring agreements with Ukrainian and Polish banks. Net debt of the group declined by 1%, to EUR 85.7 million as of September 30, 2018.
The Russian market provided for EUR 59.53 million of the group’s revenue, the Ukrainian market – EUR 28.93 million and the Polish market – EUR 10.47 million.
Cheese & butter segment contributed approximately 38% to the group’s total revenue. Segment’s revenue increased by 19% to EUR 37.34 million, the whole-milk dairy segment – EUR 47.33 million (48% of total revenue) and the ingredients segment – EUR 14.26 million (14%).
“In 9M 2018 Milkiland Ukraine focused on the development of sales of high value-added products, including innovative lactose-free cheese and whole milk products, primarily in the key accounts channel. The company also paid an attention to production and export sales of Kosher dry milk products and butter under the contract with key client from Israel,” the company said.
In 9M 2018 Milkiland put additional efforts aimed at the entering to new and development of the sales at the existing export markets. In line with these efforts, Milkiland Intermarket continued a development of the distribution network of the group’s dry milk products and butter in China. Additional volumes of cheese-like products were sold to the traditional market of the group in Kazakhstan, as well as other Central-Asian countries. The company also continued a fulfillment of the Kosher goods supply contract with the key client in Israel.

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Chairman of the parliamentary committee for industrial policy and entrepreneurship (Deputy Head of the Liashko Radical Party for Economic Policy) MP Viktor Halasiuk has said that a special investigation into growth of imports of ferrous metals to Ukraine by 25% should be conducted and he advocates the introduction of safeguard measures for the supplies of ferrous metals from China, Turkey, Russia and other countries.
“The Radical Party demands from the government and the Ministry of Economy to immediately conduct a special investigation into the unprecedented 25% growth this year in imports of ferrous metals and products from Ukraine. In addition, the people’s deputies insist on the introduction of preventive measures to protect Ukrainian metallurgy from predatory imports from China, Turkey , Russia and other countries,” the industrial policy committee said in a press release of with reference to Halasiuk.
According to him, the closure of the largest global markets and the intensification of the struggle for existing sales markets for metal products is a real threat to the Ukrainian industry and economy. At the same time, imports of ferrous metals in Ukraine have already grown by 25%, therefore, hundreds of thousands of jobs in the mining and metallurgy sector and related industries are under attack.
“We demand urgent measures to prevent the growth of imports of metal products from China, Turkey, the Russian Federation and other countries that are fiercely fighting for new markets for their products. It is also important to lobby for access of Ukrainian metal products to foreign markets, including through the export credit agency,” Halasiuk said, stressing that the United States, Canada, the EU, China, EurAsEC, Turkey, some African countries and others actively protect the domestic market of metal products from imports, increasing imports duties by 25% and more.
“Governments of the world’s largest economies are taking all possible and impossible measures to protect their own producers of metal and metal products,” he said.

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The launch of the Antares carrier rocket, created by the American Orbital ATK Corporation with the participation of Ukrainian enterprises, has been carried out from the NASA Wallops Flight Facility in the United States, Ukrainian ambassador to the U.S. Valeriy Chaly has said. The Antares rocket is a successful example of interaction between the Ukrainian and U.S. space companies in the field of peaceful space exploration, the ambassador said on his Facebook page.
“Thus, the main construction of the first degree rocket was developed by the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau and manufactured at the Makarov Southern Machine-Building Plant in cooperation with the Ukrainian enterprises Khartron-Arkos, Khartron-UKOM, Rapid, etc. Ukrainian specialists took an active part in the tests of Antares, which were conducted in the United States,” Chaly said.
“It is this rocket that should deliver the Cygnus automated cargo spacecraft to the International Space Station,” he added.
The ambassador recalled that in June 2018, the American company Orbital ATK, Ukraine’s partner in this project, became a division of one of the most powerful defensive corporations in the United States — Northrop Grumman Inc.

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