Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Zaporizhzhia NPP remains on one power line for fifth day

The Russian-occupied Zaporizhzhia NPP has been on one power line since the backup 330 kV overhead line was damaged and disconnected due to shelling on February 20, the Energy Ministry said.

“Unfortunately, due to the difficult security situation and the lack of stable access from the military for power engineers, the line remains de-energized. Accordingly, as in all previous days, Zaporizhzhia NPP remains on one power line. However, power engineers are doing everything possible to restore it,” the ministry said in a statement on its Telegram channel on Sunday.

As reported, on Saturday evening, NPC Ukrenergo said that its power engineers had managed to repair and put into operation the 330 kV OHL, which is a backup for ZNPP.

On Sunday morning, the NPC provided updated information, noting that yesterday repair crews turned on the 330 kV line recently damaged by Russian shelling, which strengthened the stability of power supply in Dnipropetrovska oblast, but still continue to work on restoring the energy infrastructure on which the reliability of ZNPP power supply depends.

ZNPP is connected to the Ukrainian power grid through only one line – the 750 kV overhead line “Dniprovska”. The second operating line (backup), OHL-330 kV Ferosplavna-1, was disconnected on the afternoon of February 20 after the Russian shelling.


Polish farmers continue blocking truck traffic – State Border Guard Service

Polish farmers continue to block truck traffic at the Yahodyn, Ustyluh, Uhryniv, Rava-Ruska, Shehyni and Krakivets checkpoints, with a total of nearly 2,400 trucks in the queues, according to Andriy Demchenko, spokesman for the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (SBGS).

“Polish farmers are blocking traffic in six directions. These are the directions of the Yahodyn, Ustyluh, Uhryniv, Rava-Ruska, Shehyni and Krakovets checkpoints. “If we talk about the queues that have formed in Poland because of this, in all these directions, in total, as of this morning, it is about 2,400 trucks, most of all at the Krakovets, Rava-Ruska and Yagodyn checkpoints,” Demchenko said on the air of the national telethon on Sunday.

According to him, the lowest rates of border crossings remain for trucks. Over the past day, about 90 trucks crossed the border in both directions at Shehyni checkpoint, and 50 trucks crossed the border to Ukraine at Yagodyn checkpoint, but Polish farmers continue to completely block the movement of trucks heading from Ukraine to Poland.

There is no blocking of cars and buses.

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BES secures UAH 13.4 mln of unpaid taxes of !Fest holding to budget

The Bureau of Economic Security (BES) has ensured that the state budget receives more than UAH 13.4 million in taxes refunded by a Lviv-based holding company that includes 60 restaurants and retail outlets, the bureau’s press service reports.

According to the report, the investigation found that the holding’s employees received their salaries in two installments, one of which was paid through shadow registers. During the pre-trial investigation, the BES detectives conducted a series of searches, interrogated the company’s employees and collected the necessary evidence.

In addition, the Bureau initiated a tax audit to determine the correctness of the company’s tax and fee payments. As a result of the audit, an additional UAH 13.4 million in taxes and fees were accrued, the press release said.

“The company’s director pleaded guilty at the pre-trial investigation stage. The company has paid to the state budget the damages caused to the state in full. The person involved in the criminal case was served a notice of suspicion of committing criminal offenses under Part 2 of Article 212, Part 3 of Article 212-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine,” the Bureau said.

According to the BES, the case has been sent to court. The pre-trial investigation was conducted by detectives of the BES territorial office in Lviv region. Prosecutors of the Lviv Regional Prosecutor’s Office are in charge of the proceedings.

As reported, on October 17, 2023, the BES announced the exposure of a large-scale tax evasion scheme in Lviv by a holding company that includes 60 restaurants and retail outlets. On the same day, Yuriy Nazaruk, co-owner of the !Fest holding, reported that the BES and the Security Service of Ukraine conducted searches at one of the holding’s sites in Lviv. According to him, the searches were related to the holding’s business activities, but there were no requests or appeals from law enforcement officers in connection with criminal cases.

The !Fest holding was founded in 2007. It develops a network of creative restaurants, cafes, shops and real estate in Ukraine. Its owners are Andriy Khudo, Yuriy Nazaruk, and Dmitry Gerasimov.

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“Energoatom” has registered share issue for UAH 306 bln

On February 21, 2024, NNEGC Energoatom received a certificate of registration of a share issue worth more than UAH 306 billion.

“On February 21, 2024, the company successfully and on time overcame the next stage of corporatization: a certificate of registration of the issue of shares, 100% of which will belong to the state of Ukraine, was received,” the company said on its Telegram channel on Friday.

According to NNEGC, this step is extremely important, as it emphasizes the commitment to implement open corporate standards and transparency in the company’s management.

“The certificate of registration of the share issue makes it possible to attract new investments and increase investments in the energy sector,” Energoatom emphasized.

As reported, on December 29, 2023, the Cabinet of Ministers decided to establish Energoatom, a joint-stock company with 100% state-owned shares.

In January 2024, the state registration of Energoatom took place and the company’s charter was registered.

“Energoatom is the operator of four nuclear power plants: Zaporizhzhya, Rivne, South Ukraine and Khmelnytsky, which operate 15 nuclear power units with a total capacity of 13.8 GW, covering about 55% of Ukraine’s electricity needs.


Import changes in % to previous period in 2022-2023

Import changes in % to previous period in 2022-2023

Source: and

“Ukrtransleasing” received almost UAH 33 mln in profit

In 2023, Ukrtransleasing PJSC received UAH 32.9 million in profit against UAH 59.79 million in losses a year earlier.

After the revocation of its license to conduct business activities in the provision of financial services, Ukrtransleasing focused on the development of freight forwarding services with railway rolling stock in 2023, the company’s press service said on Friday.

According to a press release, last year the volume of transportation in gondola cars carried out by the company increased by 38% compared to 2022. The company transported 3.05 million tons of cargo in gondola cars, including 2.38 million tons of coal (78%), 542.1 thousand tons of building materials (18%), and 74.4 thousand tons of iron and manganese ore (2%).

Grain car transportation increased by 46%. Grain carriers transported 370.2 thousand tons of grain, including 259.6 thousand tons of corn (70%), 38.6 thousand tons of wheat (10%), 43.5 thousand tons of soybeans (12%), and 20.7 thousand tons of rapeseed (6%).

“After the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, Ukrtransleasing’s operations are carried out in force majeure circumstances. The company is constantly in active search of relevant logistics solutions, while a significant part of the rolling stock is blocked due to active hostilities in the east of the country,” the statement said.

The company estimates the amount of losses incurred from the full-scale invasion at more than UAH 200 million.

It is noted that Ukrtransleasing remains a responsible taxpayer. During the two years of Russian military aggression, the company paid UAH 105.7 million in taxes to the budget. In addition, the company transferred UAH 20 million to a special account of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

As reported, on September 1, 2023, the NBU revoked all existing licenses of Ukrtransleasing PrJSC (Kyiv) based on the company’s application. After that, the company was excluded from the Register of entities that are not financial institutions but have the right to provide certain financial services,

Ukrtransleasing was established in 1998 on the initiative of the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Industrial Policy of Ukraine. The company’s main activities are to provide leasing services to interested organizations of air and rail transport in the country. The main activities of the company are leasing (financial and operational) of air transport, railway rolling stock (wagons, locomotives) and provision of services for the transportation of goods in gondola cars and grain carriers. The company’s shareholders are Ukrzaliznytsia JSC (47.67%) and Lemtrans LLC (49.95%).
