Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

“Ukrtransleasing” received almost UAH 33 mln in profit

In 2023, Ukrtransleasing PJSC received UAH 32.9 million in profit against UAH 59.79 million in losses a year earlier.

After the revocation of its license to conduct business activities in the provision of financial services, Ukrtransleasing focused on the development of freight forwarding services with railway rolling stock in 2023, the company’s press service said on Friday.

According to a press release, last year the volume of transportation in gondola cars carried out by the company increased by 38% compared to 2022. The company transported 3.05 million tons of cargo in gondola cars, including 2.38 million tons of coal (78%), 542.1 thousand tons of building materials (18%), and 74.4 thousand tons of iron and manganese ore (2%).

Grain car transportation increased by 46%. Grain carriers transported 370.2 thousand tons of grain, including 259.6 thousand tons of corn (70%), 38.6 thousand tons of wheat (10%), 43.5 thousand tons of soybeans (12%), and 20.7 thousand tons of rapeseed (6%).

“After the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, Ukrtransleasing’s operations are carried out in force majeure circumstances. The company is constantly in active search of relevant logistics solutions, while a significant part of the rolling stock is blocked due to active hostilities in the east of the country,” the statement said.

The company estimates the amount of losses incurred from the full-scale invasion at more than UAH 200 million.

It is noted that Ukrtransleasing remains a responsible taxpayer. During the two years of Russian military aggression, the company paid UAH 105.7 million in taxes to the budget. In addition, the company transferred UAH 20 million to a special account of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

As reported, on September 1, 2023, the NBU revoked all existing licenses of Ukrtransleasing PrJSC (Kyiv) based on the company’s application. After that, the company was excluded from the Register of entities that are not financial institutions but have the right to provide certain financial services,

Ukrtransleasing was established in 1998 on the initiative of the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Industrial Policy of Ukraine. The company’s main activities are to provide leasing services to interested organizations of air and rail transport in the country. The main activities of the company are leasing (financial and operational) of air transport, railway rolling stock (wagons, locomotives) and provision of services for the transportation of goods in gondola cars and grain carriers. The company’s shareholders are Ukrzaliznytsia JSC (47.67%) and Lemtrans LLC (49.95%).


Handing over of 16th consignment of humanitarian aid from India to Ukraine

Ambassador Shri Harsh Kumar Jain handed over the 16th consignment of humanitarian aid from India, comprising diagnostic medical equipment, including a Portable X-Ray Machine, C-Arm Fluoroscope X-Ray Machine, Electro Hydraulic Operation Table, Colour Doppler Ultrasound System, and Slim – 50 Low end Multipara Monitor, etc.

The aid was provided to “Sumy Oblast Clinical Hospital” and “Krolevets City Council Hospital” on the request from Ministry of Health, Ukraine.

Speaking on the occasion, Ambassador stated that India accords high priority to providing humanitarian assistance to the people of Ukraine, during this difficult time, keeping in line with the human centric approach of the Government of India, a central tenet of India’s national beliefs and values, which perceive the whole world as one family.

He reiterated Government of India’s commitment to continue to provide humanitarian support to the people of Ukraine as conveyed by India’s Prime Minister H.E. Shri Narendra Modi to President of Ukraine H.E. Mr. Volodymyr Zelenskyyduring their meeting in Hiroshima in May 2023.

Government of India has previously provided 15 consignments of humanitarian aid to Ukraine and its neighboring countries as well as financial assistance to Kyiv Gymnasium of Oriental Language No. I for its project of reconstruction, remodeling and refurbishment of some of the rooms and the Ukraine-India Association for its program aimed at restoration of psychological health of youth and children.

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Dnipropetrovs’k Arrow Plant increased its net profit by 52% and will pay UAH 440 in dividends per share

According to preliminary data, Dnipro Arrow Plant JSC (DnSZ, Dnipro) ended 2023 with a net profit of UAH 510.86 million, up 52% year-on-year in 2022.

According to the information published in the NSSMC’s information disclosure system on the agenda of the general meeting of shareholders of DnSZ on March 25, retained earnings at the beginning of this year amounted to UAH 1 billion 682 million, compared to UAH 1 billion 810 million a year earlier. Net income per ordinary share (par value UAH 10.5) amounted to UAH 2 (UAH 1.32 a year earlier).

The agenda of the meeting includes the issue of distribution of the net profit: according to the draft decision, UAH 112.006 million (or about 22% of the profit) is to be allocated to the dividend fund at the rate of UAH 440 per share, while the remaining profit of UAH 398.08 million is to be left undistributed.

As reported, based on the results of its activities in 2022, SESP allocated UAH 140.008 million, or 42% of the net profit at the rate of UAH 550 per share, leaving UAH 195.78 million undistributed.

At the same time, the planned shareholders’ meeting on March 25 intends to amend the distribution of profits for 2022, stipulating that UAH 101.82 million of retained earnings (UAH 195.78 million) will be allocated to the dividend fund to pay UAH 400 per share, and UAH 93.96 million will be left undistributed.

According to the publication, the shareholders at the meeting, in particular, intend to rename the company into Dnipro Switch Plant JSC (instead of Dnipropetrovs’k) and amend its internal regulations.

According to DnSZ, in 2023, its current liabilities increased by 89% to UAH 344.79 million, while its long-term liabilities increased by 73.8% to UAH 170.05 million.

Total accounts receivable for the year increased by 92% to UAH 427.96 million, inventories by 24% to UAH 484.65 million, and total assets by 27% to UAH 2 billion 656 million. DnSZ produces various types of turnouts for mainline and industrial transport and subways.

According to the NSSMC, as of the third quarter of 2023, 20.154% of DnSZ shares are owned by Johnen Capital Limited (Cyprus), 5% are owned by Dnipro City Council member Zahid Krasnov, his sons Ruslan and Artem own 10% and 11.228% of shares, respectively, and another 18.2959% are owned by Israeli citizen Victoria Korban (sister of businessman Gennadiy Korban – IF).

Among the shareholders who own more than 5% of the shares of DnSZ JSC are also the chairman of the board Sergiy Taranenko (almost 10%), Iryna Taranenko (8.658%), and CFO Valeriy Kryachko (7.3%).

As reported, in 2022, the plant slightly reduced its net profit by 2021 to UAH 335.8 million, while net income fell by a third to UAH 1 billion.

In the first half of 2023, the plant reduced its net profit by 13.7% compared to the same period in 2022 to UAH 72.48 million, while net income increased by 47.6% to UAH 564.6 million.

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Export changes in % to previous period in 2022-2023

Export changes in % to previous period in 2022-2023

Source: and

“DTEK Energy” has produced first two shearers for mines

“In January 2024, DTEK Energy produced the first two shearers for Ukrainian mines – a tunneling machine and a shearer.

“It is important that factory workers do not lose momentum in the difficult conditions of war and continue to contribute to the common cause… This year, the miners’ task remains unchanged – despite the war, to maintain coal production at the maximum and sufficient level,” Ildar Saleev, the company’s CEO, wrote on his Facebook page on Tuesday.

According to him, in addition to shearers, the energy holding’s machine builders also manufactured and repaired 90 units of mining equipment, as well as 67,000 parts and components in January.

As reported earlier, DTEK’s machine builders manufactured 15 new roadheaders and shearers and 1.1 million spare parts for Ukrainian coal miners in 2023.

“DTEK Energy ensures a closed cycle of electricity generation from coal. The installed capacity of thermal power generation amounted to 13.3 GW as of January 2022. The company has established a full production cycle in coal mining: coal mining and enrichment, machine building and maintenance of mine equipment.

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Slavgorod Reinforcement Plant increased net profit to UAH 19 mln in 2023

Slavgorod Reinforcement Plant (SARP, Dnipro region) ended 2023 with a net profit of UAH 18.93 million, up more than four times year-on-year in 2022.

According to the announcement of the general meeting of shareholders of SAZ to be held on March 22, the issue of profit distribution is on the agenda.

The draft resolution of the meeting on this issue provides for the profit to be left at the disposal of the company “to be used for statutory purposes”. There are no plans to accrue or pay dividends.

According to the information prior to the announcement, as of the beginning of 2024, the company’s retained earnings amounted to UAH 20.35 million (UAH 1.42 million a year earlier).

During the year, SAS managed to reduce its current liabilities by 2.1 times to UAH 25.89 million, and no long-term liabilities appeared. The value of the company’s assets decreased by 16.8% to UAH 46.83 million, in particular due to a 46% decrease in total receivables to UAH 7.1 million.

The agenda of the meeting also includes the report of the supervisory board, approval of the results of financial and economic activities, approval of the report of the audit company AF Financier, and amendments to the charter.

According to the NSSMC, as of the third quarter of 2023, Promarmatura PrJSC (Dnipro) owns 53.5661% of SAZ PrJSC, and Interbranch Assembly Base Generalmashkontrakt PrJSC owns 22.0307%.

Promarmatura JSC, which specializes in the production of hydraulic and pneumatic equipment, is owned by its director and chairman of the supervisory board of SAZ, Ihor Mezhebovsky, and Oleksandr Chelyadin (50% each). In 2022, the company generated UAH 155 million in net income.

The authorized capital of SAZ PJSC is UAH 0.045 million, the nominal value of a share is UAH 0.25.

According to the website, at the meeting on December 15, 2023, the shareholders decided to increase the authorized capital of SAZ JSC by UAH 1.375 million through the placement of additional shares (without a public offer).

Slavgorod Valve Plant was founded in 1926 as a cast-iron valve manufacturing company. Today, it specializes in manufacturing steel pipeline equipment (shut-off, control, and condensate traps) and completing it with flanges. It also produces fixtures for securing mine workings in coal mines, forging and stamping for parts of automotive and agricultural machinery.

According to the company’s 2022 financial statements, its net profit amounted to UAH 4.59 million, compared to a loss of UAH 0.58 million a year earlier, with net income growing by 15% to UAH 35.13 million.
