Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Japan to launch new program to support Ukrainian refugees

Japan will launch a new program to support Ukrainian refugees from April 2024, aimed at helping Ukrainians adapt in Japan, particularly by learning the country’s language and culture, The Japan Times reported.

“The Immigration Services Agency said on October 20 that it will launch a program in April to help foreign nationals fleeing conflict zones adjust to life in Japan… The program was designed mainly to help Ukrainian evacuees living in Japan, whose number exceeds 2,500,” The Japan Times reported.

The program is aimed at facilitating the adaptation of Ukrainians in Japan. In particular, within its framework it is possible to join courses lasting six months or one year to learn the Japanese language, as well as to familiarize oneself with the laws and customs of the country.

The Japanese Immigration Service Agency will also continue to provide cash payments to cover the living expenses of refugees from Ukraine. However, this will only apply to those without sponsors.

In addition, from December 1, 2023, a government decision will become effective in Japan, according to which foreigners who have taken refuge from the war in the country will be granted permission for long-term stay in Japan with the possibility of employment.


Volynhaz has joined Naftohaz group

Volynhaz JSC has come under state control and joined the Naftogaz group,” the company said on Friday.

“This is the 17th regional gas distribution company that has come under state control since the beginning of the year. The changes were necessitated by the need to address strategic energy tasks concerning the reliable protection of critical facilities, as well as the speedy restoration of infrastructure in the event of enemy attacks,” the group said.

“Volynhaz” provides gas distribution to budget organizations and more than 250 thousand homes in the region.

“Tariffs for distribution services and personal accounts for residents of the region remain unchanged. On the change of requisites we will inform additionally”, – informed in “Naftogaz”

Earlier in the NJSC “Naftogaz of Ukraine” included JSC “Vinnytsiagaz”, JSC “Dniprogaz”, JSC “Dnipropetrovskgaz”, JSC “Donetskoblgaz”, JSC “Ivano-Frankivskgaz”, JSC “Zhytomyrgaz”, JSC “Kievoblgaz”, Krivorozhgaz, Kirovogradgaz, Lvovgaz, Mykolaivgaz, Sumygaz, Kharkovgorgaz, Kharkovgaz, Khmelnitskgaz and Cherkasygaz.


Ukrainian “Stalkanat” is restricted in deliveries to Europe – CEO of company

PJSC “Production Association “Stalkanat” (Odessa) is forced to reduce supplies to the EU due to restrictions at the Polish borders, – said the agency “Interfax-Ukraine” general director of “Stalkanat” Sergey Lavrynenko.
“We are currently operating roughly tentatively at about 60% for export, and 40% for the domestic market. But lately the deliveries to the EU have been delayed through Poland, and there are deliveries from Asian countries,” – stated the top manager.
According to him, the company has prepared for the winter period of restrictions, although the situation is difficult.
He added that he hopes that the state will protect Ukrainian companies in foreign markets.
As reported, “Stalkanat” is considering the purchase of a generator to stabilize the work after the shelling of the energy infrastructure.
PJSC “Stalkanat” is the largest producer of steel ropes in Ukraine.
According to the NDU, as of the fourth quarter of 2021, David Nemirovskyy (Ukraine) holds 50.0001% of the company’s shares, Anton Mykhalenko – 23.7%, and Edery Liron (both in Israel) – 23.1%


Romania to double transit of Ukrainian grain – Romanian Prime Minister

Romania will double the capacity of grain transit from Ukraine by the end of 2023, Romanian Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said following his visit to Ukraine, actmedia Romanian News Agency reported.
“Together with the government of Ukraine, we managed to find a jointly agreed formula to facilitate grain transit and protect the Romanian market and the interests of domestic farmers. In addition, at a joint meeting of our governments on October 18, we reaffirmed our commitment to double our transit capacity from 2 million tons per month to 4 million tons by the end of the year. And we will do this by continuing to invest in the infrastructure of the port of Constanta, the Danube ports, as well as in roads and railways”, Ciolacu said.
At the same time, he once again assured that grain exports from Ukraine to Romania will be carried out taking into account the interests of Romanian farmers.
The publication reminded that since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, almost 30 million tons of Ukrainian grain have transited through Romania.


Ukrainian agrarians threshed 39.2 mln tons of grains, 18.45 mln tons of oilseeds

Agrarians of all regions of Ukraine have threshed 57.6 million tons of grain and oilseeds, including 39.228 million tons of cereals and 18.457 million tons of oilseeds, the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food reported. According to the message, harvesting of grain and leguminous crops was carried out on the area of 8275.3 thousand hectares with a yield of 47.4 c/ha.

To date, Ukraine has completed collection and threshing of barley from 1505 thousand hectares (101% of the plan), which received 5.863 million tons, wheat – from 4695 thousand hectares (101%) collected 22.210 million tons, peas – from 154.4 thousand hectares (103%) received 396.8 thousand tons, as well as rape – from 1396 thousand hectares (98%) received 4.005 million tons of seeds.

Harvesting of millet, which from 77.4 thousand hectares (93%) received 162.4 thousand tons, and buckwheat – from 136.6 thousand hectares (97%) threshed 203.6 thousand tons. Corn from 1376.7 thousand hectares (34%) was threshed 9.282 million tons

In addition, 961.6 thousand tons of other cereals and leguminous crops were threshed from 331.2 thousand hectares.

Ukraine continues harvesting oilseeds, in particular, sunflower – 10.211 million tons (9.042 million tons a week earlier) from the area of 4.358 million hectares (86%), soybeans – 4.2411 million tons (3.776 million tons) from 1.641 million hectares (91%).

Sugar beet was dug from the area of 125.3 thousand hectares (96.4 thousand hectares a week earlier), which amounted to 50% of the planned area. It was received 5.912 million tons.

In connection with the revision of the forecast, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy monitors information on yields of all crops. Thus, wheat yield amounted to 47.6 c/ha, barley – 39 c/ha, peas – 25.7 c/ha, millet – 21 c/ha, buckwheat – 14.9 c/ha. Corn yield – 67.4 c/ha, rapeseed – 28.7 c/ha, soybean – 25.8 c/ha, sunflower – 23.4 c/ha. Yield of sugar beet – 471.9 c/ha.

As reported, winter wheat sowing this season amounted to 4166 thousand hectares (-834 thousand hectares to the previous season), winter barley – 536 thousand hectares (-255 thousand hectares), rape – 1374 thousand hectares (+110 thousand hectares).

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy noted that agrarians of Kyiv, Kirovograd, Mykolayiv, Poltava, Sumy, Cherkasy and Khmelnytskyi regions threshed more than 2 million tons of grain in each region. In Odessa, Vinnitsa and Dnipropetrovsk regions – more than 3 million tons each. Zaporizhzhya region has completed harvesting of grain crops.

According to the adjusted forecast of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, in 2023 agrarians will be able to harvest 79.1 million tons of grain and oilseeds, of which grain crops will be produced in the following volumes: wheat – 21.7 million tons, barley – 5.7 million tons and corn – 28.5 million tons. Gross production of oilseeds will reach 21.6 million tons, in particular, sunflower – 13 million tons, rapeseed – 4 million tons, soybeans – 4.6 million tons. The sugar beet harvest is forecasted at 13.7 million tons.

As reported, at the beginning of spring 2023, the total gross harvest for the current year was forecast at 63.5 million tons, or 13% less than in 2022. In June, after harvest began, the forecast was raised to 68 million tons, (7% less). In early September, due to favorable weather conditions, the forecast was revised upward to 76.7 million tons.

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Scythian gold collection will return to Ukraine in near future

Acting Minister of Culture and Information Policy Rostislav Karandeyev announced the return to Ukraine in the near future of the collection of “Scythian gold”, which was exhibited in a museum in the Netherlands, according to the press service of the ministry.

“The Ministry together with partners from the Netherlands is carrying out a number of activities aimed at the earliest possible return of the collection of artifacts to Ukraine,” – said Karandeev.

As reported, the exhibition “Crimea. Golden Island in the Black Sea”, representing the collection of Scythian gold jewelry, was formed at the Allard Pearson Museum from the collections of five museums, one of which is located in Kiev, four – in Crimea. After the occupation of Crimea by the Russian Federation, which occurred after the opening of the exhibition, the question arose as to whom to return the collection – 565 museum objects with a total insured value of EUR10 million.

The Russian Federation claimed its rights to part of the collection belonging to Crimean museums after the occupation. Ukraine, in turn, stated that the exhibits cannot be returned to the occupied territory, which is temporarily not under Ukrainian control, and must be transferred directly to the state of Ukraine.

In December 2016, the District Administrative Court of Amsterdam recognized Ukraine’s rights to the collection and ordered its transfer to Kiev. In October 2021, the Amsterdam Court of Appeal confirmed the decision of the court of first instance. After that, in January 2022, the “Crimean Museums” filed a cassation against the decision of the Court of Appeal.

On June 9, the Supreme Court of the Netherlands upheld the decision of the previous instance in the case on the fate of the “Scythian gold” and ruled to hand it over to Ukraine.