Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

SpaceX has launched 22 Starlink Internet satellites into orbit

A Falcon 9 rocket has successfully launched another batch of 22 mini-satellites into orbit to replenish the orbital grouping of the Starlink global Internet coverage network, the SpaceX development company has announced.
“The launch of 22 Starlink satellites has been confirmed,” the company said in a statement.
The rocket was launched from the 40th launch complex at the US Space Force base at Cape Canaveral in Florida on Friday at 22:00 US East Coast time. About an hour after the launch, the satellites were placed into orbit.
This is the 112th launch of Internet satellites since May 2019 as part of the Starlink project and the 43rd since the beginning of this year. With the current launch, SpaceX has already launched 5.2 thousand such satellites into orbit. Some of them have failed or gone out of orbit. More than 4.8 thousand vehicles remain in orbit in working order.
As part of the launch, the first reusable stage of the launch vehicle, which was used for the 10th time, made a controlled vertical landing on the A Shortfall of Gravitas offshore drone platform in the Atlantic after separation.
SpaceX is currently the largest satellite operator in the world. The Starlink Internet network is available to users in 62 countries, including North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. According to the Pentagon, the US military is also actively using the services of these satellites.
In the future, SpaceX plans to deploy an orbital grouping of 12 thousand spacecraft (and later – 30 thousand) to create a full-scale network that will provide the world’s inhabitants with broadband Internet access anywhere in the world. The total investment in the project is estimated at $10 billion.


DAI Global LLC will support Ukrzaliznytsia in developing grain exports

Ukrzaliznytsia (UZ) and DAI Global LLC, a development company working with international development agencies, have signed a memorandum on the implementation of the international technical assistance project Economic Support for Ukraine, which provides for the development of Ukrainian grain exports by rail, the UZ press service said on Friday.

“Our common task is to increase grain exports by developing solutions that will help increase and demonstrate the efficiency and profitability of Ukraine’s rail export logistics,” said Yevhen Lyashchenko, Chairman of the Board of UZ.

According to the release, the memorandum refers to support in the repair and restoration of grain hoppers and the purchase of locomotives, as well as reducing grain transportation costs through improved cross-border cooperation, joint actions that reduce costs and increase the efficiency of weighing and scanning cargo, and improving transshipment equipment.

In addition, the memorandum provides for the provision of comprehensive services for the design and construction of priority border crossing points (BCPs) and other areas and projects that will increase the ability to export agricultural products.

Within the framework of the project, DAI Global will primarily work in the field of rail transport. In particular, the company will modernize the infrastructure of border crossing points, purchase shunting locomotives, equipment for weighing and monitoring cargo transportation with a focus on grain crops.

The company will also facilitate and support the attraction of additional funding, in particular from international financial institutions, for the implementation of infrastructure projects.

As reported, earlier in September, UZ agreed to work together to develop intermodal rail traffic between Ukraine and Austria with the Austrian railway company Rail Cargo Austria.

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Export of agricultural products during marketing year, mln tons

Export of agricultural products during marketing year, mln tons

Source: and

“Forests of Ukraine” has increased supply of timber to processors

According to the results of three quarters of 2023, the State Enterprise “Forests of Ukraine” supplied 8.68 million cubic meters of timber to buyers, which is 13.5% more than in the same period last year, said Yuriy Bolokhovets, acting CEO of the company.
“Timber sales are transparent, the rules of the game in the market are clear and predictable, as evidenced by the growth in the percentage of sales contracts fulfillment to almost 90%. Thus, the market is now balanced. Supply and demand are balanced,” he wrote on Facebook.
According to Bolokhovets, different price trends are observed for different types and species of wood. However, the average price of an impersonal cube of timber during the second and third quarters of 2023 decreased from UAH 1810 to UAH 1675.
The head of the State Enterprise “Forests of Ukraine” noted that not all market participants accept free competition and market pricing. “Some large players are used to solving the issue of resource supply behind the scenes and receiving timber under direct contracts and artificially low prices. Today, they are forced to compete with other processors and buy the resource at the price set by the market,” he stated and added that there will be no return to the practice of manual market regulation.
As reported, Ukraine launched a forestry reform in 2016. As part of it, the sale of raw wood at electronic auctions has already been introduced. Since 2021, an interactive map of wood processing facilities has been operating in a test mode in a number of regions.
The industry has implemented the Forest in a Smartphone project, which contains a list of logging tickets for timber harvesting and allows you to check the legality of logging on the agency’s online map.
On June 1, 2023, Ukraine launched a pilot for the electronic issuance of logging tickets and certificates of origin of timber.
In addition, the State Enterprise “Forests of Ukraine” has launched a pilot project to procure timber harvesting services through the Prozorro electronic platform.
Currently, the company has accumulated more than 130 thousand cubic meters of firewood for the 2023/2024 heating season.

UBC Group has started construction of second stage of refrigeration equipment manufacturing plant

UBC Group (Kharkiv), a commercial and industrial holding company operating in the field of refrigeration equipment and promotional products, has started construction of the second stage of a 5,000 sq m refrigeration equipment plant in Vinnytsia, according to Andriy Ocheretnyi, deputy mayor of Vinnytsia.
“This will create about 200 new jobs in Vinnytsia. The main work is scheduled for 2024. Currently, the project documentation is being finalized and preparations for the expert review are underway,” he wrote on Facebook.
In addition, a solar power plant with a capacity of 600 kW has been launched at the Green Cool plant. The solar panels were built in two stages. The first was completed in August and the second in September. In total, the company has installed 1080 solar panels.
“They will ensure the consumption of our own electrical installations and minimize the load on the power grid of the whole country. We are already talking about 100% replacement of our own consumption of electricity generated by renewable energy sources between April and September,” said Ocheretyanyi, adding that Green Cool sets “a great example of working towards green energy.”
The deputy mayor of Vinnytsia reminded that Green Cool, which operates on the basis of the Vinnytsia Refrigeration Engineering Cluster Industrial Park, produces refrigeration equipment that is exported to more than 20 countries. In 2023, the manufacturer expanded its sales geography and launched exports to North Africa and Latin America.
“This enterprise is one of the most powerful in the machine-building industry in the Vinnytsia community. More than 800 people work here and the staff will continue to expand,” the official added.
As reported, UBC Group’s business in 2022 decreased by about 43% due to the war. The group moved one of its plants from Kharkiv to Vinnytsia, which took about 400 vehicles. It was launched in May last year, but the number of employees there was about 300, compared to 1,000 in Kharkiv. The second plant in Kharkiv is gradually starting to operate, but the number of employees there has also decreased significantly.
For relocation, UBC Group built the first phase of its refrigeration equipment plant in Vinnytsia on an area of 20,000 square meters. Investments in its construction amounted to EUR 18 million. The first phase of the plant’s capacity to produce refrigerators with glass doors and ice cream chests was 60 thousand units per year.
During the construction phase, UBC Group announced a further expansion of the production building to 35 thousand square meters. The second stage will produce refrigerated cabinets, and with it, the group will reach a capacity of 150 thousand units per year. Capital investments in the second stage will amount to about EUR 10-12 million.
Prior to the Russian military invasion, UBC Group, which has been operating in the market for over 20 years and supplies products to 120 countries, had several divisions.
UBC Cool was engaged in the development and production of refrigeration equipment for beverages and food at the UBC Cool plant in Dergachi and the UBC Green Cool plant in Vinnytsia.
UBC Promo specialized in the development and production of promotional materials under the Promo brand at its plants in Kharkiv and Dergachi.
UBC Engineering was engaged in providing installation and commissioning services in the food and processing industry, UBC Service in providing maintenance and refurbishment services, UBC Distribution in selling products and services of the group of companies, UBC Armature in designing and installing equipment and processes, and distributing industrial valves and consumables.
UBC Group also owns the Ukrainian Beer Company (Kharkiv) and the Stargorod brewery restaurant chain in the CIS and Baltic countries.
The owner of UBC Group is Igor Humennyi.

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Ukrainian Defense Minister: We want to develop world-class militarized products

Minister of Defense of Ukraine Rustem Umerov, speaking about the development of the domestic military-industrial complex, said that the visa of Ukraine is to develop a world class of militarized products and services.

“My task is to build a path to victory as a ministry. And now there are several directions regarding the defense-industrial complex. Our vision is to develop a world class of militarized products and services – I’m talking about the defense industry,” Umerov said at a panel discussion at the International Forum of Defense Industries.

The minister noted that Ukraine wants to produce militarized products and services of very high quality that can be scaled up and “cover all of Ukraine’s needs now.”

“And further already after the end of the war to export it,” Umerov emphasized.