Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Share of new buildings, in which construction was resumed, by regions of Ukraine

Share of new buildings, in which construction was resumed, by regions of ukraine

Source: and

Cabinet decided to merge Kherson Sea Port with Olvia Company

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has decided to reorganize the state enterprise Kherson Sea Trade Port by means of its merger with the state enterprise Olvia Stevedoring Company, according to the government’s representative in the Verkhovna Rada Taras Melnychuk.

“The proposal of the Ministry of development of communities, territories and infrastructure on reorganization of the state enterprise “Kherson sea trade port” by its accession to the state enterprise “Stevedoring company “Olvia” is agreed,” – wrote Melnychuk.

National Bank of Ukraine approves open banking concept

The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) has approved the Open Banking Concept, which defines the development directions and roadmap for the introduction of API (application programming interface) in Ukraine as a platform for data exchange between payment service providers.

“The introduction of open banking in Ukraine will have a positive impact on the financial services market. In particular, it will contribute to the development of fintech, introduction of innovations in the payment sphere, strengthening competition and, as a result, improving the quality of existing and creating new payment services and products”, – the press service of the regulator reports the words of the deputy head of the NBU Alexey Shaban.

It is pointed out that open banking implies structured and secure data exchange between payment service providers through open APIs.

“We are talking about the development of a new ecosystem based on the application programming interface (API) and designed for the development of payment products and services – more diverse and attractive to customers,” the National Bank notes.

The regulator reminded that according to the law “On payment services” open banking in Ukraine should work in August 2025.

It is specified that open banking provides that banks and other providers of payment services for account maintenance should open their APIs for providers of non-financial payment services with the ability to connect to the interfaces of their services in order to access information on the user’s account and initiate payment transactions.

It is emphasized that in open banking only the user (individual or legal entity) decides who should access his account and a specific amount of information.

The National Bank calls the key advantage of such exchange the opportunity for users of financial services to choose a convenient and modern way of using their accounts, and for businesses to establish mutually beneficial cooperation and get more opportunities to develop their solutions. According to the NBU, with the help of open banking, users will be able to use their account funds more efficiently, using consolidated in one payment application information on the movement of funds and their balance on their accounts opened with different financial institutions.

Unlike traditional banking, open banking relies on the technology network of financial institutions and other non-financial payment service providers to enable them to efficiently share information with the prior consent of the user.

“Thanks to open banking, there will be a transformation of the payment market, stimulating the development of fintechs, new opportunities for the development and scaling of the ecosystem will appear, and the level of competition among payment market participants will increase. At the same time, the regulator will take care of a high level of protection of users’ rights and data security,” the regulator said.

The report notes that the National Bank will determine the basic principles of open banking and directions of its further development in accordance with the urgent needs of the market, as well as will take care of the legal regulation of its work and oversight of compliance of payment service providers with its requirements.

As emphasized in the NBU, technical specifications will be approved by the regulator on the basis of joint developments with market participants.

According to the roadmap for implementation of the concept, in December-February of this year the first version of the technical specifications will be developed by the NBU working groups, also in the fourth quarter of 2023 the first version of the specifications will be agreed by the regulator for testing.

In the first quarter of next year it is planned to form the requirements of stakeholders, in particular, general approaches to the implementation of supervision and protection of users’ rights, IT-security, protection of users’ personal data, as well as to form a list of NAPs (Normative legal acts) and conceptual changes, to determine the legal framework for piloting.

Then, in March-June 2024, the regulator plans to prepare and conduct the first stage of testing of a limited set of APIs and analyze it, identify areas for specification refinement, finalize and develop the second version of technical specifications.

In the second half of 2024, the NBU is going to conduct the second stage of API testing, with a wider set and range of participants, as a result of which the second version of specifications will be prepared. Also, by the end of next year it is planned to approve regulations on authorization, including authorization, finalize the register of payment infrastructure and the procedure of open banking and technical specifications.


Former Kyiv plant Rosinka sold at auction

The former Rosinka plant in Kiev was sold together with its property at two auctions for a total of UAH 138.5m.

According to information on the site “Prozorro.Sales”, on August 3, an auction was held to sell part of the plant’s property with a starting price of UAH 11.1 million, and on August 9 – the rest of the property for UAH 108.5 million.

The winner of both auctions was Kyiv Plant Rosinka LLC, which offered UAH 23 million at the first auction and UAH 115.5 million at the second.

According to Opendatabot, the owner of the company is the Cypriot Alviva Group Ltd, the beneficiary of which is the former deputy of Kyiv Council Vyacheslav Suprunenko.

The total area of the property complex of the plant is 22.5 thousand square meters. m.

Auctions were organized within the framework of the liquidation of PJSC “Rosinka”, declared bankrupt by the ruling of the economic court of Vinnytsia region in 2018.

As reported, in March 2023, LLC “Financial Company Rickard” acquired at auction the right of claim under the loan agreement of the liquidated MR Bank (formerly – Sberbank, Kiev) with collateral in the form of Kiev plant “Rosinka” with equipment for 129.7 million UAH.

It’s about 30° in Kyiv on Monday afternoon

On Monday, August 14, there will be no precipitation in Ukraine. Wind of variable directions, 3-8 m/s. Temperature at night 13-18°, in the south up to 21°; during the day 27-32°.

No precipitation in Kyiv on Monday. Wind of variable directions, 3-8 m / s. The temperature at night will be 15-17°, during the day around 30°.

According to the data of the Borys Sreznevsky Central Geophysical Observatory. On August 13, the highest daytime temperature was 36.6 in 2010, and the lowest nighttime temperature was 8.1 in 1887, according to the Borys Sreznevsky Central Geophysical Observatory in Kyiv.

Number of ships in Danube ports increased by 2.3-2.7 times during week

The number of ships in the port of Izmail (Odessa region) increased to 111 on Monday against 48 last week, according to data from the Marine Traffic monitoring application. The arrival of 33 vessels is expected.

The number of vessels in the port of Reni increased to 33 vessels on Monday against 12 last week. 11 vessels are expected to arrive.

At the same time, last Wednesday the number of vessels in the port of “Izmail” increased to 60 – in the port of “Izmail” and in the port of “Reni” – 13. On Saturday the number of ships in the port “Izmail” was already 72, while in “Reni” it was reduced to six.

In comparison, in the Russian port “Novorossiysk” the number of ships remained unchanged – 136 this Monday against 137 last week, 72 ships are expected to arrive.

The ports of Greater Odessa have not resumed their work after the termination of the “grain initiative”.

Earlier it was reported that due to the Russian night attack in the middle of last week on the seaport “Izmail” and the infrastructure of the “Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company” destroyed 40 thousand tons of grain, which was expected by African countries, China and Israel.

In addition, about 10 residential houses, 15 apartments, hotel and office buildings of the “Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company” and an educational institution were damaged or destroyed.

After the attack on Wednesday night last week, two ships heading to the port of Izmail for loading refused to moor.

As reported, Ukraine announced a military threat to ship navigation in the waters of six Russian ports on the Black Sea.

The Ukrainian Defense Ministry released a statement in which it warns that all ships that from July 21 will go to the ports of the Russian Federation or occupied Ukrainian ports may be considered as carrying military cargo.

In addition, according to the warning, navigation in the areas of the Northeastern Black Sea and the Kerch-Yenikal Strait of Ukraine is prohibited as dangerous, from 05:00 on July 20, 2023.

The day before, the Russian Defense Ministry announced that all vessels, regardless of the flag, which will be heading to Ukrainian ports from midnight, July 20, Russia will consider as involved in the military conflict.
