Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Demand for new buses in Ukraine has almost doubled

7 September , 2023  

Primary registrations of new buses (including minibuses) in Ukraine in August increased by 97.2%, or 103 units, compared to July this year – up to 209 units, according to the statistics of the association “Ukravtoprom”.

At the same time, compared to August last year, when 59 buses were registered, the demand increased more than 2.5 times.

As reported, in July-2023 the registration of new buses decreased by 17.2% compared to June.

The position of the leader last month (as in July) was retained by Citroen buses with registration of 72 units, which is by 20 vehicles more than a month earlier (in August-2023 – one bus), the second place is held by Ataman buses produced by JSC “Cherkassy Bus” with registration of 52 vehicles against 23 in July-2023 and 17 – in August last year.

The third place was held by Ukrainian “Etalon” with registration of 51 buses against 8 in July, and another Ukrainian manufacturer – ZAZ – moved up to the fourth line, 11 buses of this brand were registered (in July – one).

Next are Ford (8 buses), the same number of registered buses “Bogdan”, which were not registered neither in July this year, nor in August last year.

Volkswagen (3) JAC (2) Iveco and MAN buses (one each) were registered in August in insignificant volumes.

Thus, in January-August 2023 the total primary registrations of new buses of all classes in Ukraine amounted to 1094 units. – Almost 2.4 times more than in the same period of 2022.

As market experts noted earlier, the bus market is “gradually reviving” (except for the extra large class).