Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Denmark invests EUR 7.2 mln to restore water supply infrastructure in Mykolaiv

13 September , 2024  

The international corporation NEFCO (Nordic Environment Finance Corporation) is launching a EUR 7.2 million project to reconstruct the water supply system in Mykolaiv’s Korabelnyi district with funding from the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the NEFCO press service reports.
NEFCO and the city administration of Mykolaiv have signed a new grant agreement for the reconstruction of the water supply system in the Korabelnyi district, which has been selected as a pilot. A total of EUR 7.2 million has been allocated for the project, as well as technical assistance through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.
As reported, Mykolaiv’s water supply system has been out of service for almost 2.5 years after the destruction of the main water supply system in April 2022. Residents of Mykolaiv depend on emergency water supply, which is provided mainly by trucks and supplemented by desalination of salt water from the Dnipro-Bug estuary, as well as newly drilled wells. Many citizens are forced to take water for their daily needs from centralized emergency water supply points.
The densely populated Korabelnyi district of Mykolaiv, where water leakage reaches 40%, was chosen to implement a demonstration project to restore and reconstruct the entire water supply system. The goal of this project is to reduce water losses and increase the energy efficiency of water distribution processes by identifying water leaks, improving water supply efficiency, and creating a sustainable basis for further development of the freshwater system in Mykolaiv. New wells will be installed and pipes will be replaced.
Earlier, in an interview with Interfax-Ukraine, Mykolaiv Mayor Oleksandr Senkevych said that a feasibility study had already been developed with the French company Egis to provide water supply for the entire city, the first of three phases of implementation could cost about EUR130 million, and the city was looking for sources of funding – “both public funds and donor funds.” And as an example, he cited a grant allocated by Denmark in the spring of 2024 – up to DKK 40 million (approximately EUR 5.36 million) through the Danida Sustainable Infrastructure Finance (DSIF) program.
This project is also being implemented in the Korabelnyi district, and involves the replacement of about 11 km of pipes, which is about 8% of the total length of the network in the district; installation of 55 main meters with remote data collection in multi-storey buildings; and replacement of pumps at three water pumping stations. The project is currently in the procurement phase, with the tender expected to be announced in September.

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