Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Earthquake in Romania

18 June , 2023  

An earthquake with a magnitude of 4.1 on the Richter scale was recorded in the area of the Vrancea mountains in Romania on Sunday, the Main Center of Special Control reported.
“On June 17, 2023 at 13:13:06 (Kiev time), the Main Special Control Center registered an earthquake from the territory of Romania, in the area of the Vrancea Mountains, with a magnitude of 4.1 (on the Richter scale),” the SCSC said in a Facebook post on Saturday.
This earthquake is reportedly classified as barely perceptible according to the earthquake classification. The vibrations are only felt by individuals who are calm indoors, especially on the upper floors. This earthquake does not pose a threat to the population of Ukraine.
The last powerful earthquakes from the Vrancea area were registered on December 16 and 17, 2022 with magnitudes of 4.1 and 4.4, (on the Richter scale), respectively.
