Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Embassy of Armenia in Ukraine held reception on occasion of Independence Day at Fairmont Hotel

25 September , 2024  

The Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in Ukraine hosted a reception on the occasion of the Independence Day of the Republic of Armenia at the Fairmont Hotel in Kyiv, which brought together representatives of diplomatic, cultural and business circles. This event not only emphasized the historical significance of the holiday, but also became an opportunity to discuss the current challenges and achievements of the country.

While celebratingthe achievements of our past, we must also confront the current reality. Armenia is going through a difficult path, facing unprecedented challenges to regional peace and security, which remind us of the constant need for strength and unity,” said Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Armenia to Ukraine Vladimir Karapetyan.

The Ambassador also focused on Armenia’s economic achievements, emphasizing the growth of the economy and the increase in jobs, which is evidence of the country’s resilience.

“The Armenian economy has experienced significant growth in recent years. Economic growth is almost 30 percent, and state budget revenues have increased by more than 90 percent. In addition, about 200,000 new jobs have been created,” he said.

Mr. Karapetyan expressed optimism about the process of normalization of relations with neighboring countries, in particular with Azerbaijan and Turkey. He noted the importance of peace talks, emphasizing the importance of mutual recognition of territorial integrity.

“A week ago, Prime Minister Pashinyan made a clear statement about Armenia’s readiness to sign a peace agreement right now,” he emphasized.

In addition to political and economic issues, Mr. Karapetyan also paid attention to the role of the diaspora in Ukraine, calling it a “reliable bridge” between the two countries.

“The Armenian diaspora in Ukraine is distinguished by its loyalty and patriotism to both its historical homeland and Ukraine. More than ten thousand Ukrainian citizens of Armenian origin are currently at the front,” the ambassador emphasized.

He paid special attention to recognizing the contribution of famous Armenian figures to Ukrainian culture. In particular, the ambassador mentioned film director Roman Balayan, who was awarded the Oleksandr Dovzhenko State Prize.

At the end of his speech, Mr. Karapetyan invited the audience to visit an exhibition of Ukrainian Armenian artists that will open this week at St. Sophia Cathedral.

After Ukraine declared independence on August 24, 1991, Armenia recognized Ukraine on December 25, 1991. On December 25, 1991, Ukraine and Armenia established diplomatic relations.


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