Business news from Ukraine

Germany allocates EUR60 mln for humanitarian aid to Ukraine

27 May , 2024  

Germany intends to allocate another EUR60 million for humanitarian aid to Ukraine, especially for the eastern regions, German Foreign Minister Annalena Burbock said.

She said this before a meeting with her EU counterparts in Brussels on Monday.

“Further humanitarian aid. As the federal government, we are allocating another EUR 60 million, especially for the east of Ukraine. Because there is still a lack of everything in eastern Ukraine,” she said.

Burbock emphasized that Ukrainians have been suffering under the Russian terrorist occupation for more than two and a half years, and Germany is trying to continue to deliver humanitarian aid to eastern Ukraine together with international partners.

She also noted that Russian terror specifically targets people and normal life in Ukraine.

“Our full support is even more important at this time. We want peace, and Ukraine needs support in all its dimensions to ensure peace,” Burbank said.
