Business news from Ukraine


23 February , 2022  

International business has expressed solidarity with Ukraine in the face of a possible aggravation of the foreign political situation and continues to work in the country, the International Council of Business Associations and Chambers in Ukraine (ICBAC), which unites the trade communities of nine countries and the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said in a statement.
“We remain to work on the territory of Ukraine and, together with Ukrainian partners, we will work to strengthen the economic potential and resilience of Ukraine,” the press service of the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry said, citing the ICBAC statement in a release.
ICBAC brings together companies from France, Sweden, Austria, Germany, Turkey, Canada, China, the UK and the United States.
“Representatives of nine countries expressed their solidarity with Ukraine in the face of possible negative consequences for its economy, which may arise as a result of the aggravation of the foreign policy situation. They intend to expand trade turnover, which reaches $50 billion,” the Chamber of Commerce and Industry said.
