Business news from Ukraine

National Bank starts to assess resilience of largest banks

26 April , 2023  

The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) has started assessing the soundness of 20 banks and the banking system, the regulator’s press service said on Wednesday.
According to the report, the assessment of soundness will be carried out as of April 1, 2023, in three stages.
The first stage includes assessment of asset quality and acceptability of collateral for credit operations, as well as verification of the assessment of the value of property received by the bank as collateral and the calculation of capital adequacy ratios.
The second stage involves extrapolation of the results of evaluation of asset quality and collateral acceptability to the bank’s credit operations, which were not selected in the first stage, and the third stage involves evaluation of the bank’s performance under the baseline scenario and determination of the required levels of capital adequacy ratios.
Terms of Reference and a model for assessing the forecast performance of the bank will be published separately on the website of the National Bank.
It is indicated that 2023 will be evaluated by financial institutions, which are leaders in the aggregate indicators of risk-weighted assets, deposits and loans to individuals.
The total net assets of these banks amount to more than 90% of the banking system assets.
In particular, PrivatBank, Oshchadbank, Raiffeisen Bank, Sense Bank, Universal Bank, FUIB, Ukreximbank, Ukrgasbank, OTP Bank, Ukrsibbank, Credit Agricole Bank, Credobank, A-Bank, Taskbank, ProCredit Bank, Pivdennyi Bank, Credit Dnipro Bank, Vostok Bank, MTB Bank and Pravex Bank will undergo the inspection.
The press service added that the results of the assessment of the stability of banks and the banking system of Ukraine, carried out in 2023, will be made public by March 31, 2024.
Rules of assessment of stability this year approved by the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine № 56, which comes into force on April 27, 2023.
NBU reminded that the assessment of the current situation in the banking system and obtaining information to determine the priorities for banking supervision is stipulated by a memorandum with the International Monetary Fund on economic and financial policies of March 24, 2023.