Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


9 January , 2020  

National Energy Company Ukrenergo on January 7, 2020 due to abnormally warm temperatures for this period of the year restricted loading generation of six large wind farms by 384 MW and eight solar power plants (SPP) by 545 MW in the period from 12:09 through 13:00, the company’s press service has reported.
Ukrenergo said that on that day, the average daily air temperature was -2.4°С, which is 4°С higher than the one on January 7 last year. Accordingly, consumption on January 7, 2020, decreased by 47.6 million kWh or 10.6% compared to the same period of the previous year (394 million kWh versus 441 million kWh).
Prior to this, all applications of balancing market players were used, electricity imports to the Integrated Power System (IPS) of Ukraine from Belarus and the Russian Federation were limited to zero, and the thermal power plants (TPP) generation was also limited by 1,350 MW.
Besides, at the moment of a sharp leap in the renewable energy generation from 12:09 to 13:00, there has already been no possibility to switch to the pumping mode the hydroelectric generators of pumped storage power plants (PSPP) since at that moment their reservoirs have already been filled.
At the same time, it is worth noting that due to the short-term nature of the balance deviations nuclear power plants (NPP) loading was not restricted.
“Therefore, in order to balance the power system and ensure its operational safety, NPC Ukrenergo dispatchers had to restrict the loading of powerful wind farms and SPPs,” the company said.
After that, from 13:00 to 13:46, all wind farms and SPP generation restrictions were rescinded.

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