Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

National Police suspects Avtomagistral-Yug of causing damage to state for UAH 1 bln

7 October , 2024  

The National Police of Ukraine and the Department of Strategic Investigations conducted searches at the place of work and residence of employees of the construction company suspected of causing damage to the state for more than 1 billion UAH due to violations in tenders.

“In the course of pre-trial investigation it was established that the officials of the company by means of “artificial” markup in the supply chain of inventories illegally increased the cost of goods, made false information in the acts of work performed, which caused damage to the state budget in especially large amounts – in the amount of more than 1 billion UAH”, – stated in the message of law enforcers.

The press release does not contain the name of the company, but it is stated that it is a construction company “carrying out repair and construction works on state infrastructure facilities”. The company is suspected of violating tender procedures and unauthorized setting prices for the cost of works in different regions of Ukraine.

It is noted that the urgency of the searches was due to the information received about the possibility of destroying documents indicative of criminal activity.

“The activity of the enterprise is not blocked, it continues to function in normal mode”, – emphasized in a press release of the National police.

Earlier on Monday about searches in the office of the company and apartments of its employees reported construction company “Avtomagistral-Yug”. According to the company, the procedural actions were carried out without a court order by the decision of the investigator of the Main Investigation Department of the National Police together with the Department of Strategic Investigations.

According to the company, the searches were carried out within the framework of a criminal case concerning a number of tenders that Avtomagistral-Yug won at different times in different regions. The company emphasized that the claims of the investigators concern the value of the contracts, which were determined in the course of open tenders.

“Procedural actions were conducted on the basis of fabricated criminal proceedings based on the assumptions of investigators (…) We perceive the brutal actions of law enforcement agencies as classic raiding: an attempt to intimidate employees and their families, paralyze the work, and then destroy the company,” the company stressed.

LLC “Avtomagistral-Yug” has been on the market since 2004. It designs and builds expressways, bridges, interchanges, airfield complexes, hydraulic structures. The owner of the company is listed in Opendatabot information as Alexander Boyko. According to the financial results for 2023, the company’s net profit amounted to UAH 624.9 mln, income – UAH 8.215 bln. In terms of revenue, the company became the first among construction companies last year, follows from the data of Opendatabot.

The company noted that among the completed projects are important infrastructure facilities for the state. “The company lent Ukraine more than UAH 8 billion, completing important for the country objects even in the absence of financing,” – follows from the message of the press service of the company.

