Business news from Ukraine

Net sales of dollars by National Bank rose to $737.8 million last week

26 September , 2022  

Net sales of dollars by the National Bank of Ukraine rose to $737.8 million last week compared to $510.7 million a week earlier and $475.0 million two weeks earlier.
According to the information of the National Bank on its website, from September 19 to 23, it purchased $7.1 million, which corresponds to the usual purchase volumes during the war, while it sold $744.9 million compared to $528.2 million a week earlier.
This week, on the cash market, the hryvnia again weakened by about 70 kopecks, and its rate came close to the level of UAH 43/$1, while the official rate of UAH 36.57/$1 was fixed since July 21, but by the end of the week it strengthened to UAH 42.7/$1. $1.
Since the beginning of September, the volume of interventions of the National Bank in the market has already exceeded $1.8 billion compared to $1.33 billion in August and $1.2 billion in July, but still remains much less than in June ($3.96 billion) and May ( $3.4 billion).
Finance Minister Sergei Marchenko said that in August the volume of foreign aid to Ukraine amounted to a record $4.6 billion since the beginning of the war, compared with $1.7 billion in July and $4.4 billion in June.
In general, from the beginning of the year to September 23 inclusive, the NBU purchased $3 billion 121.3 million and EUR111.0 million on the market, and sold $18 billion 607.7 million and EUR1 billion 789.1 million.
Including since the beginning of the war, the purchase of foreign currency has reached $2 billion 464.4 million and EUR111.0 million, and the sale – $15 billion 837.5 million and EUR1 billion 789.1 million.
The international reserves of Ukraine as of September 1, 2022, according to the NBU, amounted to $25.436 billion (in equivalent), which is 13.6% or $2.679 billion more than at the beginning of August. In July, the fall in reserves amounted to 1.6%, or $371.5 million, in June – 9.3%, or $2 billion 343.8 million.

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