Business news from Ukraine

Number of non-banking financial market participants in Ukraine in March 2023 decreased by 37

9 April , 2023  

The number of participants in the non-banking financial market in March 2023 decreased by 37 to 1,347, the website of the National Bank of Ukraine reports.
The number of banks in February decreased by two, to 65, due to the NBU’s decisions to revoke the license and liquidate Forward Bank and Ayboks Bank.
No one was included in the register for March. At the same time, 12 financial companies, five pawnshops, two credit unions and five leasing companies have been voluntarily excluded from the roster, while seven financial companies, five insurers and one leasing company have been compulsory excluded.
According to the regulator, during March one leasing company was denied a license. Simultaneously, 15 financial companies, four pawnshops, two credit unions and five leasing companies had all their licenses revoked voluntarily (on the basis of applications submitted by them), and the other three financial companies were revoked compulsorily (as a measure of influence).
In addition, two financial companies and one insurer had their licenses revoked voluntarily, and two financial companies and four insurers – forcibly. Also, the licenses of one financial company and one lessor were renewed.
As of March 31, the non-banking market had 110 non-life insurers (115 in February) and 12 life insurers (the number has not changed), one insurer with special status, 171 pawnshops (176), 157 credit unions (159), 89 leasing companies (92), 682 financial companies (701), 58 insurance brokers (number has not changed) and 67 collection companies (number has not changed).
Besides, 25 banking groups (the number has not changed) and 22 non-banking financial groups (as in February) are recognized in the market.
In the payment market operate 33 payment systems (37), created by residents, including state, and 16 international payment systems, created by non-residents (the number has not changed). In addition, companies providing financial payment services operate in the market, including three banks issuing electronic money (the number did not change). Other subjects operating in the payment market include 36 commercial agents (41) and 35 technological operators of payment services (the number has not changed).
In March, the National Bank received 414 requests from market participants for registration and licensing actions. The number of inquiries on financial companies, pawnshops and lessors amounted to 256. The number of inquiries on credit institutions (banks and credit unions) was 57, on insurers – 75, on payment institutions – 26.