Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

On September 18-20, forum “Grain and Processing: Development Despite War” will be held

13 September , 2024  

For more than 2 years of war, Ukraine’s agricultural sector has suffered losses of $80.1 billion (according to the World Bank), with direct losses reaching more than $10 billion. Therefore, the entire agribusiness and grain processing industry continue to work, recover and develop to restore our industries and strengthen the country as a whole.

Accordingly, the main issues today are: how to make the country’s agricultural sector profitable in the face of war; how to boost grain processing; how to build energy-efficient and energy-independent production; and opening and entering new markets. We will try to find answers to these and many other pressing questions during the discussion panels and individual presentations at the conference “Grain and Processing: Development Despite the War , which will be held on September 18-20, 2024 in Kyiv and will be dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Union “Millers of Ukraine”.

The event is organized by the Union “Millers of Ukraine”, Trend&Hedge Club and Agro Marketing Agency. The general partners are Alviva Group and Kyivmlyn. General sponsor – Bueller Ukraine. Exclusive sponsor – SocTrade. Sponsor – OLIS.

Grain and Processing: Development Despite the War 2.0 Forum will include two days of information intensive, panel discussions with experts, practitioners and analysts of the agricultural market, unlimited communication with current and potential partners, exchange of ideas and experience.

The event will also feature an exhibition of equipment and technologies for grain handling and processing, quality determination, bakery technologies, packaging equipment and other material and technical innovations for the industry.

Main topics for discussion:

  • Global trends: the world and Ukraine
  • Current state of the Ukrainian economy and agricultural market
  • Export of grain products: challenges, opportunities, support
  • New grain products. What are the prospects for processors?
  • Trends in Agri Food and Grain Food
  • Marketing, sales, promotion: domestic and foreign markets
  • Food industry views on state support
  • Energy efficiency and independence
  • What is the profit in processing. What areas to invest in?
  • Modern technological solutions for the grain and processing industry

The event will be interesting for:

  • Companies engaged in the cultivation, storage and processing of grain and agricultural products
  • Producers of flour, bakery products, pasta, cereals, etc.
  • Suppliers of flour and cereal products, food additives and feed, packaging, raw materials, equipment and technologies
  • Retail representatives
  • Traders and logisticians
  • Government and business representatives
  • Other participants of grain, grain processing and related markets

To see how it was last time, please follow the link

Terms of participation in the conference by the link


20% – for members of the Union “Millers of Ukraine” and Trend&Hedge Club

20% – for three or more participants from one legal entity

Discounts are not cumulative!


Owners and top management of agribusiness; agricultural producers; grain traders; producers of flour, cereals, pasta, mixed fodder and other grain processing companies; representatives of elevator complexes, logistics, financial companies and retail; suppliers of inputs, equipment and technologies; government officials and other participants of the agro-industrial and related sectors.

More than 300 delegates are expected to attend theconference Grain and Processing: Development Despite the War.

Follow the updates on the conference website

For participation, advertising, and presentation, please contact the coordinators:


Svyatoslav Tkachenko

+38(063)357 73 59


Kateryna Konashchuk

+38(050)394 46 03

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