Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Oschadbank buys bonds of Nova Poshta for UAH 650 mln

22 May , 2024  

State-owned Oschadbank (Kyiv) has entered into an agreement with Nova Poshta to purchase unsecured corporate bonds of the E series with a maturity of 15 months for UAH 650 million, the press service of the financial institution reported on Tuesday.

“The acquisition of bonds for such a significant amount demonstrates both Oschad’s readiness to share risks with businesses to rebuild the country and the impeccable reputation of Nova Poshta,” Yuriy Katsiyon, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Oschad responsible for corporate business, said in a press release.

“In addition, this project can be another step towards popularizing securities as an alternative tool for raising funds for the development of Ukrainian business,” he added.

It is specified that the issue of series E bonds was registered on April 26, 2024. This is the third transaction since 2019 to finance Nova Poshta by the state bank through the purchase of corporate bonds.

“Thanks to the funding raised, Nova Poshta is able to actively invest in the development and improvement of operational processes, quickly recover from infrastructure shelling, and our customers can continue to receive quality service,” Serhiy Yermolenko, Director of Corporate Finance at NOVA Group, was quoted as saying.

As reported earlier, Nova Poshta LLC, the largest logistics operator in Ukraine and a member of the NOVA Group, issued interest-bearing unsecured corporate bonds of series E and F with a nominal amount of UAH 1 billion each, which were registered by the National Securities and Stock Market Commission (NSSMC) on April 26 this year.

No other information on the parameters of these issues, including the maturity and yield, is yet available on the regulator’s website or the issuer’s website.

In 2023, Nova Poshta made two bond issues – “C” and “D” – each with a nominal amount of UAH 800 million. The C series bonds were issued for a 12-month term with a 24% p.a. interest rate, while the D series bonds were issued for a 20-month term with a 23% p.a. interest rate.

Earlier, in February 2023, Nova Poshta redeemed the UAH 700 million of Series B bonds issued in March 2020.

In 2023, the consolidated net income of “Nova Poshta” LLC amounted to UAH 43.65 billion, which is 53.3% more than in 2022, and the consolidated net profit reached UAH 4.28 billion, which is 31.1% better than in 2022.

According to its unconsolidated financial statements, in 2023, Nova Poshta LLC increased its net profit by 85.7% to UAH 3 billion 967.2 million, while its revenue increased by 54% to UAH 36.47 billion.

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