Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Structure of foreign exchange reserves as of 31.12.2022

Structure of foreign exchange reserves as of 31.12.2022

Source: and

CSD LAB is giving away electric scooters among customers

Pay for tests online – win an electric scooter

The use of eco-transportation has become a real healthy trend in recent years. So, with the advent of electric scooters, the favorite childhood pastime no longer has age restrictions. More and more adults are choosing this eco-friendly transportation to avoid traffic jams and improve their health. Riding a scooter is not only good for the body, but also very enjoyable. That is why CSD LAB has prepared a unique offer for its customers: pay for tests online and take part in a monthly draw of three NAVEE N65 SPEC electric scooters.

The period of the promotion is from 04/01/2023 to 06/30/2023.
The drawing of gifts and determination of winners will take place:
1. May 03, 2023 (among all clients who paid for tests online from April 1 to April 30)
2. June 07, 2023 (among all clients who paid for tests online from May 1 to May 31)
3. July 05, 2023 (among all clients who paid for tests online from June 1 to June 30)


1.1. Only adult citizens of Ukraine residing on the territory of Ukraine, except for the occupied territories (hereinafter referred to as the Clients), who fully agree with the terms and conditions of the “CSDrive. Movement for Life” (hereinafter referred to as the “Promotion”) by C.S.D. Lab LLC (hereinafter referred to as CSD LAB).
All CSD LAB Clients who pay for services online automatically become participants of the “CSDrive. Movement for Life” campaign and participate in a monthly drawing of one of three NAVEE N65 SPEC electric scooters.

1.2. To participate in the Campaign, the Client is obliged to order and pay for any research on the website during the Campaign period.

1.3 The drawing and determination of the winner takes place using the platform. To conduct the draw, a database is formed from all paid online orders that meet the terms of the Campaign.

The system is an automated random number generator used to determine these random numbers, in particular, to select one random number from a mass of numbers. The process of selecting the winner includes uploading all order numbers paid online for the previous month. The system randomly selects one order number as the Winner. By this number, CSD LAB finds the Client’s personal data in its system to provide information and informs that he/she is the Winner of the draw.

1.4. The Client can receive paid online services at any branch of the CSD LAB network of laboratory offices, the list of which is available at

1.5. All paid online orders made by the Clients during the promotion period take part in the draw, without restrictions on the number of orders per Client. Each paid online order participates in the draw. There are no restrictions on the amount of the order.

1.6. An order that meets the terms of the Promotion takes part in the drawing of promotional gifts once according to the orders for the reporting month. Promotional gifts mean one of three NAVEE N65 SPEC electric scooters. The cost of promotional gifts is the cost of advertising and promotion of the Campaign.

1.7. The draw and determination of the winner takes place on the first Wednesday of the next month following the month of payment for the online order by the Client participating in the draw. Three draws will be held during the Promotion period: in May, June and July. Each month, one NAVEE N65 SPEC electric scooter is drawn.

1.8. The number of promotional gifts may be changed at the discretion of CSD LAB upward or downward depending on the actual number of Winners among the Clients.

1.9. The announcement of the draw and the winner in the form of the order number that became the winner of the draw is published on the official CSD LAB Facebook page and on the website The Winner is additionally personally notified by a CSD LAB representative of the win by phone and by sending a letter to the e-mail specified in the order determined by the winner of the draw.

1.10. Failure of the Winner to respond to the phone call and the notification letter from the CSD LAB representative within 7 (seven) calendar days from the date of notification will indicate the Winner’s refusal to receive the gift and will result in a repeated drawing among all Campaign Clients for the relevant reporting period.

1.11. The promotional gift is transferred to the Winners of the Promotion free of charge only after fulfillment of all CSD LAB obligations to the Client within the framework of the order that won the drawing (actual execution of the ordered research and sending the results).

1.12. To receive the promotional gift, the Winner is obliged to contact the main laboratory office of CSD LAB at the address: 22-B Zhmerinska St., Kyiv, with a passport, identification code and order form, according to which the Client participated in the draw. If the Winner does not live in Kyiv, he/she must send scanned copies of the above documents to indicating the city of his/her residence. In this case, the gift will be delivered at the CSD LAB laboratory office where the Client received the ordered and paid online services.

1.13. CSD LAB is not responsible for the consequences of further use of the Gift by the Winner of the Promotion from the moment of its receipt, including the risk of its accidental destruction or damage (deterioration).

1.14. The Winner of the Promotion has no right to demand any other compensation from CSD LAB, except for the gifts specified in clause 1.6.

1.15. CSD LAB does not bear any warranty obligations for the Gift received within this Campaign.

1.16. The results of determining the winners of the draw, who will be entitled to receive the Gift, are final and not subject to appeal. CSD LAB guarantees the objectivity of determining the Winners.

1.17. CSD LAB does not enter into any disputes regarding the recognition of any persons as the Winners of the draw and the right to receive the Gifts. CSD LAB is not responsible for determining the rights of the parties in any disputes.

1.18. CSD LAB has the right to terminate the Campaign and/or change the terms and conditions ahead of schedule by publishing a corresponding notice on the Website.

1.19. In case of termination of the gift drawing among the Clients, CSD LAB shall fulfill its current obligations for the reporting period and give the gift to the Winner/s before the date of publication of the notice of termination of the gift drawing among the Participants or other public notice of such termination.

1.20. The Winners may, at the request of CSD LAB, participate in interviews, photo/video shooting in connection with receiving gifts without paying additional remuneration for this.

1.21. Copyright (related) rights to the received materials belong to CSD LAB.


2.1. CSD LAB has the right to refuse the Client’s participation in the Campaign if CSD LAB has any doubts about the bona fides of such Client’s participation in the Campaign. Such a decision of CSD LAB is final and not subject to appeal.

2.2. The Client of the Promotional Offer is solely responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by him/her and for failure to fulfill (untimely fulfillment) of the rights and obligations stipulated by these Terms and Conditions.

2.3 The Promotional Offer cannot be used by CSD LAB employees and their relatives.


3.1. By participating in the Promotional Offer, each Client confirms his/her unconditional consent to the free use of the information provided by him/her (including, but not limited to, personal data) by CSD LAB for marketing and/or any other purpose and methods that do not violate the current legislation of Ukraine (including by transferring to third parties). The provision of such consent is also considered in the meaning of Articles 296, 307, 308 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection”.

3.2. By voluntarily providing personal data about himself, the Client confirms his express unconditional consent to the collection, storage, use, processing, transfer and dissemination of his personal data (in the sense that these terms are defined by law) by authorized persons of CSD LAB, who will take the necessary measures to protect such data from illegal processing and unauthorized dissemination. CSD LAB takes all necessary actions to protect the personal data of the personal data subjects processed by it from illegal processing and is personally responsible for compliance with the requirements of the legislation of Ukraine on personal data protection. The Client gives his/her consent by taking part in the Campaign. CSD LAB and/or its authorized persons will collect, store, use, process, transfer and disseminate the Client’s personal data received from the Client in order to comply with the requirements of the law, as well as for advertising purposes. The Client also confirms his/her full consent to the sending of information, notifications (including advertising) about the next CSD LAB activities, etc. without any restrictions on the territory, time and method of use, and such use will not be reimbursed by the Company and/or any third party in any way.

3.3 Clients have the right to withdraw their consent to the processing of personal data at any time by sending CSD LAB a notice by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt.


4.1 These Terms are binding.

4.2. Amendments and additions to these Terms are made by order of the Director of CI S DI LAB LLC.

4.3. Information about the Campaign is provided by posting the terms and conditions on the Company’s corporate website ( In addition, consultations on the terms of the Campaign can be obtained by calling 0 800 33 00 75.

4.4. By participating in the Campaign, the Clients fully agree to these Terms and Conditions and undertake to fulfill them.

4.5. CSD LAB LLC reserves the right to change the Campaign Terms by posting the changes on the CSD LAB website.

4.6. In the event of a situation that involves an ambiguous interpretation of these Terms, any disputes or issues not regulated by these Terms, the Client reserves the right to resolve such issues. The decision of CSD LAB is final and not subject to appeal.

4.7. By accepting these Terms, the Client confirms that he/she has read and understood all the Terms and agrees to all the terms and conditions.

4.8. Conducting this Campaign is the exclusive will and right of CSD LAB. No one can force CSD LAB to conduct this Campaign in case of a decision to cancel it, force majeure circumstances, etc.

Polish dairy processors concerned about closure of their market for export of Ukrainian dairy products

Polish dairy processors are concerned about the closure of their market for the export of Ukrainian dairy products and expect the use of the reciprocity principle, which will lead to a drop in imports of Polish dairy products by Ukraine, the analytical agency Infagro reported.
“Today I am most afraid of the use of the principle of reciprocity of Ukraine in trade relations with Poland. If Ukraine closes its market for us, we will find ourselves in a very difficult situation. Today 6% of all our cheese exports go to Ukraine. The volume of imports of dairy products to Poland from Ukraine was small compared with Polish exports to Ukraine. Therefore, the income and loss account is obvious,” Agnieszka Maliszewska, vice president of COGECA and director of Izba Mleka (Poland) was quoted by the agency.
Her concerns are shared by Marcin Gidzik, president of Polish Milk Processors Association. According to the principle of reciprocity, we can expect Polish exports to slow down unless other agreements are reached between the Ministers of Agriculture,” he said in an interview with
According to his information, in January-March 2023 Ukraine exported to Poland 1 ton of products marked with code CN 0401 – non concentrated milk and cream without added sugar, 60 tons of butter or other milk fats and 710 tons of milk powder.
In the same period Poland exported 2,213 tons of cheese, 1,080 tons of whey and 1,312 tons of fermented products to Ukraine.


Romania, Hungary and Slovakia will not limit transit of agricultural products from Ukraine

Romania, Hungary and Slovakia will not limit the transit of agricultural products from Ukraine, but negotiations continue on the issue of imports into the countries’ territory. Imports into Poland in transit mode will resume with a T1 declaration, with the use of the SENT system to track the movement of cargo through Poland and cargo seals, said Agrarian Policy Minister Mykola Solsky at an extraordinary meeting of the Coordinating Council under the Agrarian Policy Ministry on Tuesday evening.
According to him, shipments of agricultural products, which will be delivered to Poland in transit, will continue to move across the country’s territory at 00:00 on April 21, accompanied by Polish customs officers.
The issue of transit by rail with the transshipment from wide-rail wagons (for tracks 1520 mm) to narrow-rail (for tracks 1435 mm) is still open. Market participants are expected to receive details of the procedure tomorrow at the Coordinating Council of the Ministry of Agriculture, which is scheduled for 10:30 a.m.
The ban on imports of agricultural products in accordance with the list in the annex to the order of the Minister of Development and Technology of Poland Waldemar Buda from April 15, 2023 has not been canceled.
Earlier it was reported that Ukraine and Poland agreed on the resumption of transit of banned for importation agricultural products: it will work at night from April 20 to April 21, 2023. Additional control measures will be applied to the transit. According to the Ministry of Agriculture of Poland, customs, tax and other services will accompany the transport to its destination. In addition, the SENT mechanism and electronic seals will be applied, by means of which each consignment of goods will be tracked.
Poland on April 15, after the farmers’ congress, made a unilateral decision to temporarily prohibit the import of any agricultural products from Ukraine until June 30, 2023. This happened despite the fact that on July 7, a bilateral agreement was reached with Ukraine on the temporary suspension of exports of only four crops – wheat, corn, rapeseed and sunflower, while transit continued, but with stricter conditions, which the parties planned to agree on quickly.
Hungary and Slovakia made similar decisions afterwards.

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13 Ukrainian companies have received right to make payments under contracts of reinsurance abroad

The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) has included 13 insurance companies in the list of insurers with the right to conduct transactions with non-resident reinsurers, the regulator’s website says.
According to its data, on March 6, 2023 the list included IC “TAS”, IC “Universalna”; on March 13 – IC “Unica”, IC “Arsenal Insurance”, IC “ARKS”, IC “PZU Ukraine”, IC “TAS”; on March 20 – IC “INGO”; on March 29 – IC “Insurance Guarantees of Ukraine”; on April 4 – IC “Busin”; on April 17 – IC “Guardian”, IC “Ukrainian fire insurance company”, IC “European insurance alliance”.
As reported, on February, 13, the NBU reported that it expanded the possibilities of insurance companies on payment of insurance payments under reinsurance contracts with non-resident reinsurers, and specified the requirements for such operations.
Thus, starting from February 14 insurers, insurance and reinsurance brokers could make payments under respective contracts without restrictions as to the date of conclusion of such contracts under condition of fulfillment of a number of conditions.
In order to simplify the procedure for cross-border reinsurance payments, the National Bank has created a list of insurers and established the procedure for deciding on the inclusion and exclusion of an insurer from the relevant list, as well as the grounds for leaving applications without consideration.
In order to be included to the specified list a respective application should be submitted to the NBU. Inclusion of insurers in the list takes place if the insurer complies with a number of requirements, namely, absence of enforcement actions taken against the insurer for violation of legislation requirements in the sphere of financial monitoring (except written clauses) in realization of special economic and other sanctions, compliance with transparency requirements as to ownership structure, compliance with solvency, capital adequacy and risk ratios within the year prior to application submission and within the period of being in the list of insurers.
In addition, the financial strength (stability) rating of the non-resident reinsurer, with which the reinsurance transaction is performed, should correspond to the level not lower than “A3” (Moody’s Investors Service), “A-” (Standard & Poor’s), “A-” (Fitch Ratings), “A-” (A.M. Best).

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Ukrainian pensioners who went abroad can now receive their pensions via international transfers

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has provided for the possibility to pay pensions to Ukrainians temporarily living abroad by international transfers through Ukrposhta, the Ministry of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories said.
“The resolution adopted by the government was developed by the Ministry of Social Policy on the results of meetings to discuss the problematic issues of Ukrainian citizens who have found temporary asylum in Poland. Thus, the specified category of pensioners will be able to resume receiving pensions by sending an application by mail in the order determined by the Pension Fund of Ukraine”, – is indicated in the message in the telegram channel.
To receive pensions, the decree provides for the possibility of entering into bank account contracts with Ukrainian banks. We are talking about banks that have no branches, offices, representative offices in the country of residence of the pensioner, including banks (unbanked), which do not have their own network.
Thus, if a person wishes to receive a pension through a bank, an application for payment can be submitted electronically using the means of a qualified electronic signature. This can be done together with the opening of a bank account without the need to visit the bank in person.
Also, at the request of a pensioner, payments can be received in the post office (if Ukrposhta JSC has the technical ability to transfer funds to the country of residence).

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