Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Import of goods in Jan-Nov 2022 in most important positions and in relation to same period in 2021

Import of goods in Jan-Nov 2022 in most important positions and in relation to same period in 2021

Source: and


Cabinet has prepared and submitted to Rada bill “On grapes and grape products

The draft law “On grapes and wine products” (#9139) the government registered in the Verkhovna Rada on March 22 aims to implement relevant EU regulations on winegrowing and winemaking, enological practices, production of flavored wine products, use and protection of geographical indications of wine.
“At the same time, the purpose of the bill is to create a unified state information system “Vine and Wine Register”, which will include information on: producers of grapes; wine products; vineyard plots; mandatory declarations and other data on wine products provided by this law, the introduction of information in which is mandatory, ensuring the effective administration and state support of the viticulture and wine industry,” – also stated in the explanatory
The document implies the introduction of requirements for the production and circulation of wines, products of viticulture and winemaking, flavored wine products with geographical indications, similar to the current rules in the EU. In particular, blending of wine produced in Ukraine with imported wine as well as wine produced outside Ukraine is not allowed.
In addition, the bill provides for the possibility of state support for viticulture and winemaking in the framework of the general laws “On state support of agriculture” and “On the specifics of insurance of agricultural products with state support” without any details, except for the principles of objectivity, equality and proportionality.
The document also contains the principles of inspection of wine production from the vine bush to the final product, defines the controlling institutions and their powers and specifies sanctions, the explanatory note states.

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98 companies received grants to develop orchards and greenhouses in Ukraine

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy has signed 98 orders to allocate grants for the development of orchards and greenhouses for a total of UAH 472.3 million, the ministry said in a statement on Friday.
According to it, 86 grants on gardens for 388,4 million UAH, on greenhouses – 12 for 83,9 million UAH have been agreed.
The total area of new facilities is 1317.40 hectares, or 13.4 hectares per grant.
The Ministry specified that the leaders in the area of gardening and the creation of greenhouses are Transcarpathian region with 245.2 hectares, Kyiv region with 191.6 ha and Lviv region with 151.1 ha.
The amount of grants is also the highest in Transcarpathia – 92.2 million UAH, while in second place is Dnipropetrovsk region – 58.1 million UAH, in third place – Kyiv region with 50.5 million UAH.
Ministry of Agrarian Policy reminded that the terms of the program in the direction of horticulture area of land for the development or establishment of orchards should range from 1 to 25 hectares, and in greenhouses – from 0.4 to 2.4 hectares, according to the standard project. There are also requirements for the number of new jobs, particularly in the case of greenhouses – not less than 14 per 1 hectare.
In addition, the program in both areas provides for co-financing: from 30% of own funds provides its participant, and 70% – the state.


Ukraine’s anti-corruption court confiscates assets of Russian MP Babashov

A panel of judges of the Supreme Anti-Corruption Court (VAKS) at a meeting on Friday granted an administrative lawsuit of the Ukrainian Ministry of Justice against Russian MP Leonid Babashov to confiscate his assets under clause 1-1 part 1 of Article 4 of the Ukrainian law “On Sanctions.”
This without specifying the name of the Russian parliamentarian reported on the website of the VAKS.
“The court’s decision to recover to the state assets belonging to the defendant or in respect of which the defendant exercised rights identical to the right to dispose of them. It is a part of a land plot; a residential house; non-residential buildings; a vehicle; corporate rights. The appeal may be filed with the Appellate Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice within 5 days from the date of pronouncement of the decision, “- the court said in a statement.
The fact that it is Babashov, said the head of the Department of sanction policy of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine Inna Bogatykh.
“VAKS today also satisfied the claim of the Ministry of Justice to Babashov L.I. – a Russian State Duma deputy from the political party “United Russia”, who supported the laws on the ratification of treaties on friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance between the Russian Federation and the so-called “LNR” and “DnR”, as well as a number of laws by which the Russian Federation tries to legalize the annexation of the occupied territories of Ukraine. Actively expresses public support for the Putin regime. Real estate and land plots in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, corporate rights, movable property have been recovered to the state”, – wrote Rich in Facebook late Friday night.
According to her, this is the 17th satisfied claim on the confiscation of assets, but three decisions have not yet entered into legal force, because the deadline for appeal has not expired. One of them is Babashov’s case, another is a suit of the Ministry of Justice against the Rotenbergs, Skorobogatko and Ponomarenko to recover from the state the share of the companies they controlled that own the Kiev shopping center Ocean Plaza, and the third is about the transfer to state ownership of enterprises owned by the Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska.
The next hearing in the Deripaska case, where the appeal will be heard, according to the head of the Justice Department’s sanctions policy department, is set for April 12.
“I’m not satisfied with the end of the week, although objectively I understood that the appeal on Deripaska will be even more difficult than the first instance, but well, very much on the timing. We’re hanging in there and working on it,” Rich wrote.

Ukraine in 2022 sold industrial products 21.5% less than in 2021

Ukraine in 2022 sold industrial products (goods, services) worth 2.814 trillion UAH, which is 21.5% less than in 2021 (3.584 trillion UAH), including outside the country – on 564.097 billion UAH, the State Statistics Service said on Friday.

According to her data, in December 2022 compared to December 2021, the turnover of products sold in the extractive and processing industries decreased by 38.1%. Sales of the extractive industry in December-2022 compared to December-2021 decreased by 40.2%, processing industry – by 37.7%.

Sales in the extractive industry in December-2022 compared to November-2022 increased by 7.8%, in the processing industry – by 5.0%.

In total sales of industrial products in 2022 the largest share came from processing industry (53.6%), supply of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning (31.1%), mining and quarrying (14.1%), metallurgical production (8.6%).

As reported, Ukraine in 2021 sold industrial products (goods, services) in the amount of 3.584 trillion UAH.

Ukrainian Prime Minister gave an estimate of the harvest in 2023

Ukraine expects 45 million tons of grain and leguminous crops in 2023, Prime Minister Denis Shmygal said.

“Ukraine is having its second sowing campaign under martial law. We are helping our agrarians to carry it out successfully again. According to preliminary estimates, we expect 45 million tons of grain and leguminous crops. The wheat harvest is expected to be 16.6 million tons,” he said at a government meeting on Friday.

According to the prime minister, with such a harvest, the domestic consumption of Ukrainians is about 5 million tons.

“That is, like last year, Ukraine will be fully provided with grain and food,” Shmygal stressed.