Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


Wimax Ltd. (Cyprus) has bought the shares of PJSC Chasiv Yar Refractory Plant (Donetsk region) from the family of former MP Vladyslav Lukyanov (the Party of Regions faction). According to a company report in the information disclosure system of the National Commission on Securities and the Stock Market, on the basis of information received from the National Depository on November 22, 2019, the shares of large shareholders changed.
Thus, the stake of the Lukyanov family members, including Vladyslav, who owned 24.573% of the shares in the plant, Volodymyr (22.901%), Artem (6.654%), and Daria (6.509%) fell to zero.
In turn, the stake in Wimax Ltd. increased from zero to 67.866% of the charter capital of the plant.
As reported, with reference to the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, Vesco Limited (Limassol, Cyprus), which combines the clay mining business of UMG investment company of SCM Group, acquires PJSC Chasiv Yar Refractory Plant. In October 2019, the committee began consideration of the case of concentration in the form of the acquisition by Vesco Limited of the shares in the plant, which provides the buyer with over 50% of the voting shares on the company’s board.



The enterprises and organizations of Ukraine in January-September 2019 increased pretax profit from ordinary activities by 74.43%, to UAH 342.8 billion (UAH 196.5 billion in January-September 2018), the State Statistics Service has said. According to the service, in January-September 2019 Ukrainian enterprises that worked profitably received UAH 454.978 billion in profit, which is 28.9% more than in the same period in 2018.
At the same time, 22.7% of enterprises worked with a negative financial result. Their losses in January-September of this year decreased by 28.3% compared with January-September of last year, to UAH 112.169 billion.

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!FEST holding of emotions (Lviv) plans on December 13 to launch the first hotel project in its portfolio – the seven-storey !FEST hotel with 69 rooms, a restaurant and a cafe, the company’s press service has told Interfax-Ukraine. “On December 13, 2019 we are opening a new business project in the holding of emotions !FEST – the first hotel. We thought that it needed a modern visual language to communicate with our guests. And we decided to make the facade of the hotel with corten steel, which over time under the influence of weather factors will turn into an art object in Lviv,” co-owner of the holding Andriy Khudo said.
The object will be located on the site of the former office of the company at 15a Lemkivska Street. The seven-storey hotel includes 69 rooms, a restaurant, a cafe and various services, including the ability to order branded products presented in the holding’s restaurants, namely beer, chocolate, cherry liquor, etc.
The holding of emotions !FEST was founded in 2007 and is developing a network of creative restaurants, coffee houses and shops in Ukraine.
One of the first opened objects of the holding is the restaurant Kryivka in Lviv, among other establishments with the original concept are Masoch-Cafe, Lvivska Kopalnia Kavy, Rebernia, etc.
!FEST also develops residential construction, the apartments Just Lviv It, a network of stores, catering, etc.
The owners of the !FEST holding are Andriy Khudo, Yuriy Nazaruk, and Dmytro Herasimov.

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The volume of construction work in Ukraine in October 2019 increased by 14.9% compared to October 2018, while in September 2019 compared to September 2018 this figure rose by 11.3%.
According to the State Statistics Service, the data are given excluding the occupied territory of Crimea and the temporarily occupied territories in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
According to the agency, the volume of construction work in October increased by 6.7% compared to the previous month (according to seasonally adjusted data, by 2.2%), while compared to August 2019 this figure increased by 7.2%.
According to the State Statistics Service, in October 2019 from October 2018 the volume of work decreased in-residential construction, and decreased in non-residential and engineering construction. According to uncorrected data, the growth in non-residential construction amounted to 18.8%, engineering some 22%. The decrease in the volume of work in residential construction amounted to 8.7%.
In addition, in October the volume of construction work in construction of residential buildings compared to September decreased by 8.4%, construction of engineering structures by 9.8%, while in the non-residential construction increased by 1.6%.
In January-October 2019 compared with January-October 2018, a drop in the volume of construction work was recorded in three regions of Ukraine, in particular, in Ivano-Frankivsk (by 4.5%, to UAH 2.81 billion), Cherkasy (1.9%, to UAH 1.463 billion), and Zaporizhia (5.9%, to UAH 2.81 billion).
The largest growth in the volume of construction work over the ten months was recorded in Vinnytsia (1.9 times, to UAH 6.815 billion), Chernihiv (1.5 times, to UAH 1.405 billion), and Kherson (1.4 times, to UAH 1.335 billion) regions.
In Kyiv, the volume of construction work for the ten months grew by 27.1% and amounted to UAH 31.54 billion.



PJSC MTS signed a legally binding agreement with Telco Solutions and Investments LLC, being under control of Azerbaijan’s Bakcell telecom company, which in turn is incorporated in NEQSOL Holding, on the sale of MTS business in Ukraine.
The shareholders of the Russian company will have special dividends following the transaction.
“With the acquisition of Vodafone Ukraine, the second telecommunications operator in the Ukrainian market, we continue the strategy of expanding the international presence and entering the new markets by the companies belonging to the NEQSOL Holding group. The telecommunications industry is among the priority areas of our group’s work, therefore we constantly invest in innovative and reliable telecommunication solutions,” NEQSOL said in a report, citing CEO of NEQSOL Holding Yusif Jabbarov as saying.
He said that the state of the business, the growth pace and the effectiveness of Vodafone Ukraine are a reliable basis for further development, because NEQSOL holding is ready to invest in a new asset in order to continue introducing innovations and advanced technologies in Ukraine.
According to the statement of NEQSOL, under the agreement, MTS through its fully-owned subsidiary Allegretto Holding S.a.r.l. (Luxembourg) sells a 100% stake in Preludium B.V. (Netherlands), the sole shareholder of PrJSC VF Ukraine (the Vodafone Ukraine trademark), for $734 million, including deferred payment of about $84 million.
The purchase of a company in Ukraine is financed mainly from resources provided by international financial institutions.
“The change of ownership will not affect the operating activities of Vodafone Ukraine. The company will continue providing services under the Vodafone brand and meeting all obligations to employees, customers and partners,” the NEQSOL said.
The shares will be transferred soon.
“The company will continue providing services under the Vodafone brand. All tariff plans and services, as well as contracts and other obligations of the company are relevant and continue to be in effect,” Vodafone Ukraine’s press service told Interfax-Ukraine.
The mobile operator also confirmed the information that the change of ownership will not affect its operations, the provision of services to customers, interaction with partners, suppliers and contractors.



Ukraine and Turkey are planning to liberalize motor transportation services between the countries at the beginning of 2020, reads a post on the website of the Infrastructure Ministry of Ukraine following a meeting between Ukrainian Infrastructure Minister Vladyslav Krykliy and his Turkish counterpart Mehmet Cahit Turhan in London on Monday. The sides are preparing relevant documents, the ministry’s press service said.
The ministers also praised the countries’ dialogue on cooperation in the spheres of maritime search and rescue and air services.

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