Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky says that none of the negotiation formats contain even a hint that in exchange for the liberation of Donbas Ukraine would recognize Crimea as Russian territory.
“As for the proposals, “let us give you the occupied territory of Donbas, and you will give us Crimea,” – it has never been discussed. Moreover, I have not even heard these hints in any format,” he said during his conversation with reporters at a press marathon in Kyiv on Thursday.
In general, he said, negotiations are currently underway with Russia in several formats: “By telephone – about the return of prisoners who are held in Russia, in the Minsk format – about Donbas, and there’s no issue on Crimea even in the Normandy format, “about which we hear only of the upcoming date of the meeting.”
The president also emphasized that at the meeting in the Normandy format he will certainly raise the issue of Crimea.

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Namsen Limited, a legal entity under control of Board Chairman of Kernel agricultural holding Andriy Verevsky, from October 3 through October 7, 2019 acquired 36,898 shares in Kernel Holding S.A. (Luxembourg) at average PLN 42.74 per share ($10.85 under the current exchange rate).
According to a company report on the website of the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE), the company increased its stake in Kernel from 39.93% to 39.97%, and the total number of shares held by Namsen increased to 32.7454 million.
Kernel is the world’s largest producer and exporter of sunflower oil, the leading manufacturer and supplier of agricultural products from the Black Sea region to the world markets.

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On October, 12, 13 and 14 near Kyiv, in the «Kyivan Rus Park» a large-scale and spectacular celebration of Pokrova and the Defender of Ukraine Day will take place.
The wonderful medieval architecture and, in addition, an entertaining program, museums, master-classes and amusements will be waiting for the guests of Ancient Kyiv.
The action will start with the solemn parade of the flags of the Kyivan Rus princes, horse lava and the appearance of the Kyivan prince Volodymyr the Great himself. On Sunday and Monday, October, 13 and 14 the guests will be invited to take part in the solemn procession to the st. Basyl’s church, the reconstructed wooden temple of the Х century.
The program will continue with theatrical stagings on the Kyivan Rus theme, the performances of the horse-trick theatre and the folk groups, demonstrative fights on swords of the princely druzhinniks and also the competitions of the horseback archers.
Till the very evening the guests will be surprised with the medieval amusements. The guests will get a chance not only to observe the action but to take part in it by participating in merry games and competitions, games and fiery round dances.
Ancient Kyiv opens at 10:00. The program starts at 13:30.
The ticket price: a full adult ticket – 200 UAH, for pensioners and students – 150 UAH, for schoolchildren – 80 UAH, for preschool children – for free.
Ancient Kyiv in the «Kyivan Rus Park» is located in Kyiv region, Obukhiv district, the vill. Kopachiv.
Route taxis leave from Kyiv from the «Vydybitchi» metro station.
Details on the website

The Interfax subscribers can save money with the “openbusiness-20” promo code for a 20%-discount for a full price adult ticket to the Principality of Kyivan Rus:
– by previous order by tel.: +38 044 461-99-37, +38 050 385-20-35
– or at the cash desk at the entrance to the «Kyivan Rus Park».



Average vacancy of business centers in Khmelnytsky was 6.7% by August 2019 and by late 2020 it is planned to expand total supply of office space by 24,100 square meters thanks to the launch of eight new business centers, UTG consulting company (Kyiv) has reported.
“In 2018, supply in Khmelnytsky was expanded with two business centers with a lettable area of 8,400 square meters: Luxury class B business center (GLA is 3,700 0 square meters) and Parus class A business center (GLA is 4,700 square meters) However, the main increase in office space in the city was seen in 2016, when 26.4% of the total market supply was built or reconstructed and put into operation, or in absolute terms – lettable area of 12,400 square meters,” UTG Senior Analyst Oksana Gavrilevich told Interfax-Ukraine.
According to her, as of August 2019 in Khmelnytsky there were 19 office buildings with a total lettable area of 51,100 square meters, which corresponds to an indicator of 187.8 square meters per 1,000 inhabitants.
In the structure of supply, business centers of class A occupy 9.2% of the total supply (4,700 square meters), class B – 52.4% (26,800 square meters) and class C – 38.4% (19,600 square meters).
The average vacancy rate in the city’s business centers in August 2019 in terms of classes was: 19% for class A, 7.3% for class B and 2.9% for class C.
The requested rental rates (excluding VAT and OPEX) in office premises in August were: for class A – UAH 300 per square meter ($12), class B – UAH 142 per square meter ($ 5.7), class C – UAH 94.7 per square meter ($3.8).
“For the coming years, office premises are announced for commissioning only in class B. Given the timely commissioning of new projects, by the end of 2021, the total leased area of the city’s business centers will be 65,300 square meters, or 239.8 square meters per 1,000 inhabitants,” Gavrilevich said.

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On November 8 and 9, the capital of Ukraine will host the Kyiv International Economic Forum (KIEF) that for the sixth consecutive year brings together well-known world economists, recognized businessmen, representatives of the Ukrainian government and highly respected economic experts.
The main discussion issue of the Forum 2019 is the future in a changing world. From business cases to visionary ideas – KIEF’s speakers will talk about rapid changes in the technology-driven economy. Entrepreneurs, top managers, analysts and strategists of companies, as well as heads of international organizations will answer the main question: what the fourth industrial revolution is and how to get prepared for it.
Why visit the KIEF 2019?
The KIEF is the main platform for business people, economists, scientists and investors to discuss global trends, shape the 2020 development vector, establish new business contacts and strengthen partnerships.
This year at the Forum, speakers will unveil the concepts of doing business in the face of climate change as well as the mechanisms for effectively managing natural disasters under their direct influence on the economy. You will learn how to prepare your business for the effects of climate change.
Speakers from global financial institutions, who have the latest information about the world’s economy, will report about the risks and consequences of the global crisis. You will be able to get ready for the next stage of development of the financial system.
The below speakers will share their vision of the future for the financial world system:
Robert Koopman, the Chief Economist of the World Trade Organization;
Giovanni Salvetti, the Managing Director of the Rothschild International Banking Group, CEE Coordinator;
Vazil Hudák, the Vice President of the European Investment Bank;
Johan Eliasch, a Swedish billionaire businessman, the Chairman and CEO of Head.
Also at the Forum, the representatives of global companies with millions in revenue, investment funds and international banks will speak about their business cases on raising capital. You will learn about new approaches to attracting foreign direct investment for business development.
In addition to educational goals, one of the main KIEF’s goals is to enhance the investment attractiveness of Ukraine. In order to introduce the business opportunities of Ukraine, potential foreign investors were invited to the Forum.
A permanent strategic partner of the Forum is the holding company UFuture, which incorporates companies and social projects of Vasyl Khmelnytskyi.
Vasyl Khmelnitsky, the initiator of the Forum, commented on the idea of creating and holding the Forum: “We live in the days of global and very rapid changes. They inspire and cause concern at the same time. Ukraine faces a choice: to stick to a fragile stability or to move fearlessly towards innovations. It is today when we can make a quantum leap in development – and for this, we require knowledge, cooperation and decisive actions. I see the success of our common future in the synergy of the modernized public sector, the energy of entrepreneurs and the talent of scientists. We must unite for the sake of the global goals, which the humankind have. It is time to move forward, transform business and economy according to the requirements of today. After all, the KIEF is organized to make us feel the trends of the future and become the ones who bring them to life.”
The Kyiv International Economic Forum is an ongoing platform for forming the strategy of Ukraine’s economic development. Each year, the Forum brings together around 2,000 guests and speakers from more than 30 countries to shape integrated strategies of business modernization with a focus on adaptability and innovation.
More information about the Forum’s speakers and panel discussions is available at:



President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky is in favor of deferring admission of foreigners to land purchase when launching the land market.
“For a while, we should sell land only to Ukrainians. Only to them,” he said during a press marathon in Kyiv on Thursday.
This period may last several years, the president specified.

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