Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


Ukraine in January-September 2019 increased revenue from electricity exports by 14.4% (by $34.105 million) compared to the same period in 2018, to $271.49 million, in particular, in September this figure was $31.263 million.
According to the State Fiscal Service, electricity for $167.111 million was supplied to Hungary in the nine months, power worth $61.237 million to Poland, while Moldova received electricity for $32.814 million, other countries for $10.328 million.
In addition, Ukraine imported electricity for $31.174 million in January-September 2019, including for $14.791 million from Slovakia, $13.063 million from Belarus, $2.434 million from Hungary, and $885,000 from other countries.
As reported, in 2018 Ukraine exported electricity worth $331.942 million, in particular to Hungary for $189.958 million, Poland for $78.763 million, Moldova for $53.144 million, other countries for $10.078 million. In monetary terms, Ukrainian electricity exports in 2018 increased by 40.9% compared to 2017.
In natural terms, Ukraine in 2018 increased exports of electricity by 19.3% (by 999.4 million kWh) compared to 2017, to 6.166 billion kWh.
According to the updated forecast balance, in 2019 Ukraine plans to export 5.832 billion kWh of electricity, which is 5.4% less than in 2018 (6.166 billion kWh). Imports are expected to amount to 1.488 billion kWh.

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On the basis of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship School (SME School, the project of Vasyl Khmelnytsky’s K.Fund), UFuture opens UNIT School of Business in UNIT.City. The first open day at the new educational institution will take place on October 10 in UNIT Factory, Kyiv.
UNIT School of Business works in a new format for Ukraine: the program includes 119 hours of practical work on each participant’s real business instead of theoretical lectures. Entrepreneurs bring their daily tasks and look for profitable ways to solve them together with teachers. For this, the school’s experts have developed short practical programs for business modeling, marketing, sales, brand building, effective innovative tools that are easy to apply in the work of a small and medium Ukrainian business.
“We’ve created UNIT School of Business because in Ukraine, we haven’t found any entrepreneurship school organized at a really great level. We understand how difficult it is for an entrepreneur to take a break even for two months, not to mention two years. Therefore, our programs are short and effective,” Artem Makeev, CEO of the project, said.
Creators of UNIT School of Business have taken into account the experience of the educational business project “Superludi” (“Superpeople”) and SME School (1.5 thousand graduates in the past three years). The mentors of the institution are market experts and business practitioners of UFuture, UNIT.City innovation park, UDP development company, Biopharma innovative pharmaceutical company, ITernal group of IT companies and an ecosystem of tech solutions, Lean Institute Ukraine, and “Superludi”.
“Nine out of ten businesses in Ukraine are closed during the first year of existence. Not because of external reasons, but because of the lack of knowledge. We’ve collected the necessary knowledge and will help to apply it in business,” Vlad Nozdrachev, partner of UNIT School of Business, Founder and Project Manager of “Superludi”, said.
UNIT School of Business is a part of UNIT ecosystem which includes, in particular, Ugrow (a closed community of entrepreneurs with regular events, group coaching and mentoring support, access to which is available to students of UNIT School of Business), INDAX accelerator (helps to build production, including investments), Sector X accelerator (finds clients and partners in IT field and helps businesses enter the western market).
The open day at UNIT School of Business will start on October 10 at 16:00. The program of the event includes speeches by representatives of the business school and Ugrow, informal communication with graduates of SME School. The first 100 people who register at will be able to take part in the open day.
The launch of the new curriculum of UNIT School of Business will take place on October 21.
UFuture is a holding company of Ukrainian entrepreneur Vasyl Khmelnytsky that integrates his business and impact-investment projects. The company has a diversified portfolio of assets in the fields of real estate, infrastructure, industry, renewable energy, pharmaceuticals, and IT. Currently, UFuture’s assets are estimated at $550 million, and the total capitalization of the businesses it invested in is more than $1 billion. UFuture is a majority shareholder in UDP development company (specializing in large infrastructure projects), Kyiv Sikorsky International Airport (the second international airport in Ukraine by passenger traffic), national operator of outdoor advertising RTM-Ukraine, and a group of IT companies and an ecosystem of tech solutions ITernal. UFuture is a strategic investor in the pharmaceutical company Biopharma and UDP Renewables, renewable energy investment and development company. UFuture is also developing new business projects including UNIT.City innovation parks in Kyiv and Kharkiv, LvivTech.City in Lviv; Bila Tserkva industrial park and a manufacturer of modern electrotechnical systems, Plank Electrotechnic. UFuture supports social projects in the fields of education and economics, including the Kyiv International Economic Forum (KIEF), Lean Institute Ukraine, UNIT School of Business, UNIT Factory innovative IT-schools in Kyiv and Kharkiv, Secondary education institution Novopecherska School, the all-Ukrainian online platform iLearn, and others.

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Since 2015, Ukraine has received from the European Union, as well as from EU member states, about EUR 18 billion of assistance, which is many times higher than the amount of financial assistance provided to Kyiv by the United States in the form of loan guarantees in the amount of $1 billion, Special Adviser to the President of the European Commission on relations with Ukraine, former European Parliament deputy from Germany Elmar Brok said.
“The United States has given 1 billion on loan… The European Union has given 11 billion on loan in runs, another 3 billion has been given via international financial institutions [EUR], and alone Germany has given 1.4 billion [EUR]. So, let’s say altogether the European Union member states have given at least EUR 18 billion in the last five years. That is the real figures,” Brok said in an interview with Interfax-Ukraine, commenting on accusations against the EU and, in particular, Germany and France that they are not providing enough assistance to Ukraine which was voiced during a telephone conversation between the presidents of Ukraine and the United States, Volodymyr Zelensky and Donald Trump.
At the same time, the European politician emphasized that a substantial part of the EUR 18 billion provided to Ukraine by the European Union and its members are grants, while Washington does not provide anything to Kyiv for free.
Brok also recalled that in addition to the amount he mentioned, the European Union also provided other assistance to Ukraine, which is stated in the agreements between Kyiv and Brussels, such as the Association Agreement and the FTA and the visa-free regime between the parties.
“The United States has not given such agreements. Look, the EU gives twenty times more to Ukraine than the Americans,” the special adviser to the president of the European Commission said on relations with Ukraine.

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The Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture has included the Winter Sport (Vinnytsia) and Chortkiv-West (Chortkiv, Ternopol region) industrial parks in the register of industrial parks. Including in the register of these parks is stipulated in ministry orders No. 151 of October 2 and No. 152 of October 3. Winter Sport was established on a land plot of 25 hectares, its operational life is 50 years. The priority activities in the park will be production of sports equipment for winter sports, equipment for scuba diving, as well as other components, placement of warehouse and administrative premises, as well as information technology enterprises.
According to preliminary calculations, up to 1,450 new jobs can be created in the park.
According to the state register, HEAD Vinnytsia LLC with a charter capital of UAH 10,000 was registered in October 2018. Some 100% of its shares belong to HEAD Ukraine, and the ultimate beneficiaries are three non-resident individuals.
Chortkiv-West was created on a land plot of 87.684 ha, the declared term of its operation is 30 years.

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Ukraine since the beginning of the new 2019/2020 agricultural year (July-June) and as of October 7, 2019 had exported 14.472 million tonnes of grain and legumes, which is 45% more than on the same date last agri-year.
According to the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food, farmers have also exported 9.2 million tonnes of wheat, 2.99 million tonnes of barley, and 2.24 million tonnes of corn.
As of October 7 of this year, 87,800 tonnes of flour have also been exported.
As reported, with reference to the ministry, Ukraine in the 2018/2019 agri-year exported a record 50.4 million tonnes of grain, legumes and flour, which is 23% more than in the previous agri-year.

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Generali OFE has increased its shareholding in the holding company of Ovostar Union, a leading egg producer in Ukraine, from 9.94% to 10.93% after the deal signed on October 3, 2019.
According to a report of Ovostar posted on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE) on Tuesday, before increasing its share in the share capital, Generali OFE owned 596,509 shares of Ovostar Union, after – 655,909.
The holding company of the group is Ovostar Union N.V. In the middle of June 2011, it conducted an IPO for 25% of the shares on the WSE and raised $33.2 million. The majority stake in the company is owned by Prime One Capital Limited, which is controlled by its chief executive officer Borys Belikov and Board Chairman Vitaliy Veresenko.

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