Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


It is planned to build a waste recycling plant with a total annual capacity of 700,000 tonnes of waste in Kyiv, which will also sort waste, the press service of the Kyiv City Administration has reported.
“The city plans to build a waste recycling complex, which will have a total annual processing capacity of 700,000 tonnes and will include a sorting stage,” the administration said.
According to Deputy Chairman of the Kyiv City Administration Petro Panteleyev, Kyiv has clear plans for gradually quitting the technology of waste disposal as obsolete and environmentally dangerous one.
He also recalled that the National Waste Management Strategy was adopted in October 2017, and the National Plan in February 2019.
“The updated legislative base works only a few months. Nevertheless, the Kyiv city is preparing its own regional waste management plan for Kyiv. This is a comprehensive document, being agreed with the Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Utilities Economy Ministry and the Ecology and Natural Resources Ministry,” the deputy head of the administration said.
In addition, Panteleyev said that Kyiv had refused placing a waste recycling plant near combined heat and power plant 6 (CHPP-6) in Troyeschyna district (Desniansky district of Kyiv).
“I want to immediately say that there was no speculation and gossip. The city refused to build a waste recycling plant near CHPP-6,” the deputy head of the administration said.

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The Nova Poshta Group in January-May 2019 opened over 700 new depots, including 573 in small localities, Nova Poshta Director Oleksandr Bulba said at a briefing at Dunapack Ukraine plant (Oleshky, Kherson region) on Tuesday.
The number of depots of the company increased to 3,400.
In January-May, the company delivered over 81 million parcels, which is 23% more than during the same period last year. At the same time, 67 million parcels were delivered in depot-depot mode. At the same time, door-to-door delivery for this period also increased by 34%.
In addition, in five months, Nova Poshta delivered more than 1 million parcels from abroad. Shipping from the United States and Europe grew by 27%.
“We plan to develop international delivery further,” Bulba said.
According to the press release of the company spread at the briefing, the foreign representative offices of Nova Poshta in Georgia and Moldova are also actively developing: in Moldova, the number of shipments in January-May doubled compared with the same period last year, and in Georgia it grew by 30%.
The average NPS (Net Promoter Score) in Ukraine at the end of May was 78%.
In the first five months of 2019, the Nova Poshta Group transferred more than UAH 1.75 billion of taxes and duties to the budget of Ukraine.



President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky at a meeting with the delegation of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), led by its president Suma Chakrabarti, has assured that bilateral cooperation will be intensified and will become more efficient. “We thank you for being here and thank you for being the largest investor in Ukraine. I want to assure that we will extend our cooperation,” Zelensky said at the meeting.
He stressed that the strategy of the EBRD is fully consistent with the priorities of Ukraine, and expressed conviction that Ukraine and the bank together can work more efficiently. Zelensky noted that the country appreciates cooperation with the international partners: the EBRD, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
The president noted he had already met with the representatives of the IMF, at which Ukraine’s progress in fulfilling its obligations under the Stand-By Arrangement was noted. According to Zelensky, the parties discussed the issue of continuing cooperation.

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Ukraine in January-May 2019 increased exports of titanium containing ore and concentrate in kind by 6.1% compared to January-May 2018, to 257,369 tonnes. According to customs statistics released by the State Fiscal Service, over the period exports of titanium ore and concentrate in monetary terms increased by 23.5%, to $62.121 million.
Major exports were made to Egypt (19.94% of deliveries in monetary terms), Mexico (16.52%), and the Czech Republic (14.72%).
Ukraine in January-May 2019 imported 243 tonnes of similar products worth $171,000 from Senegal, while in January-May 2018 it imported 15,457 tonnes of titanium ore and concentrate worth $2.854 million from Senegal.
As reported, Ukraine in 2018 increased exports of titanium containing ore and concentrate in kind by 2.7% compared to 2017, to 599,494 tonnes. Last year exports of titanium ore and concentrate in monetary terms increased by 19.5%, to $125.722 million. Major exports were made to the Czech Republic (19.41% of deliveries in monetary terms), Turkey (17.96%), and Russia (15.68%).
Ukraine in 2018 imported 15,874 tonnes of similar products worth $3.142 million from Senegal and Mozambique, while in 2017 it imported 202 tonnes of titanium ore and concentrate worth $143,000 from Senegal (87.41%), Finland (10.49%), and Iran (2.1%).
Vilnohirsk state mining and metallurgical combine (Dnipropetrovsk region), Irshansk state mining and processing combine (Zhytomyr region), Valki-Ilmenite and Mezhdurechensk Mining and Concentration Complexes (both are located in Irshansk, Zhytomyr region) are the main producers of titanium ore in Ukraine.
Dnipro-based Velta production and commercial firm built a mining and processing complex at the Birzulivske ilmenite deposit, which has a 240,000-tonne ilmenite concentrate capacity per year.
Holding company Velta Group Global Ltd. was registered in London in November 2011.

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The share of 4G Internet users in Ukraine by late 2019 would double, to 16%, Leading Expert for Designing Mobile Communications System at Ericsson Ukraine Volodymyr Yereschenko has said. “The number of 4G users relative to the share of all other technologies will increase approximately twice in a year,” he told Interfax-Ukraine in Kyiv on Thursday after the presentation of the June Ericsson Mobility Report.
The low rate of coverage of users of the 4G network Yereschenko explained, in particular, by limited coverage and the lack of a sufficient number of subscriber terminals.
“4G was started to be built only recently, about a year ago. They installed equipment in big cities. At the same time, there is no coverage in small cities, villages, on the highways – this is the first reason. The second is that not all subscriber terminals support 4G. Many terminals are connected to operators’ networks without 4G support, as well as some users still have not replaced old SIM cards with eSIM (with 4G support). As practice shows, the terminal is changed once in several years,” he said.
Industry Marketing Director at Ericsson Peter Jonsson also said that such low coverage of 4G users indicates a potential for further growth.
“8% is not enough, but it also means that there is potential. According to GSMA, by 2024 the percentage of 4G users can grow to 50%. As a rule, the further growth of the share depends on the cost of 4G subscriptions, availability of coverage and terminals as well as the profitability of the transition from 3G to 4G for operators,” Jonsson said.
In 2018, the share of 4G users in Ukraine was 8%, 3G was used by 52%, and another 35% were connected to 2G, Jonsson said.

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On June, 15, 16 and 17 Whitsun will be celebrated in the «Kyivan Rus Park» according to the ancient traditions, with thrilling medieval amusements. The guests will be awaited by the horse shows and theatrical stagings based on ancient Slavic bylinas. And also historical museums and expositions, horse riding, interesting competitions, master-classes, dance flash mobs and Slavic round dances.
Ancient Kyiv opens at 10:00. The program starts at 13:30.
The ticket price: a full adult ticket – 200 UAH, for pensioners and students – 150 UAH, for schoolchildren – 60 UAH, for preschool children – for free.
Ancient Kyiv in the «Kyivan Rus Park» is located in Kyiv region, Obukhiv district, the vill. Kopachiv.
Route taxis leave from Kyiv from the «Vydybitchi» metro station.
Details on the website
The Interfax subscribers can save money with the “openbusiness-20” promo code for a 20%-discount for a full price adult ticket to the Principality of Kyivan Rus:
– by previous order by tel.: +38 044 461-99-37, +38 050 385-20-35
– or at the cash desk at the entrance to the «Kyivan Rus Park».