Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Glusco gas station network transferred to Ukrnafta’s management

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has appointed Ukrnafta PJSC as the asset manager of the Glusco gas station network, Naftohaz Ukrayiny’s board head Oleksiy Chernyshov has said.

“Also the Cabinet set the task to settle the issue of reimbursement of expenses incurred by Naftogaz Oil Trading LLC (“NOT”, a network of gas stations U.GO), which was engaged in restarting the arrested commercial assets of Medvedchuk”, – he specified on his page in Facebook.

As reported, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in May 2022 agreed the proposal of ARMA to transfer to the management of NJSC “Naftogaz of Ukraine” arrested assets of the company Glusco (until 2018 – the network of NK “Rosneft”), which were associated with Viktor Medvedchuk,
NOT was identified as the asset manager, with which ARMA subsequently entered into a fixed-term management agreement.

At the end of July 2023, ARMA head Olena Duma said that the National Agency would conduct audits of the efficiency of management of the largest assets, and the audit of the efficiency of Naftogaz’s management of the Glusco network of gas stations has already begun.
In early August, ARMA announced the termination of contracts with NOT to manage the assets of the Glusco gas station network.

At the same time, Naftogaz said that 81 filling stations and one oil depot, which had been out of operation for a year and a half, were resumed under the management of NOT, and that employees’ salaries were paid in a timely manner. From August 2022 to July 2023, 289 million UAH of mandatory payments to the state and local budgets were paid.

The head of Naftohaz Ukrayiny, Oleksiy Chernyshov, said that during the period of managing the Glusco assets, the group had invested significant funds in restoring the network’s operation, repaid its debts, and, at ARMA’s request, paid them “for some part of future profits, as they are not yet in question”.

On November 5, 2022, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief decided to seize the shares of Ukrnafta and Ukrtatnafta (except for the controlling and blocking stakes in Naftogaz Ukrainy, respectively) from the state as military property for the duration of martial law. Prior to the seizure, the structures of Ihor Kolomoyskyy and Hennadiy Boholyubov owned about 42% of Ukrnafta shares and, together with other partners, a controlling stake in Ukrtatnafta.

More than 5,000 people killed in Libya after flooding

More than 5,000 people are believed to be dead and 10,000 missing after storm rains in northeastern Libya caused two dams to collapse, CNN reported Tuesday, citing Tamer Ramadan, head of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies’ delegation to Libya.

“The death toll is enormous,” she said.

At least 5,300 people are believed dead, Libya’s interior ministry in the eastern administration said Tuesday, state media LANA reported. CNN was unable to independently verify the number of dead or missing.

Some 6,000 people remain missing in the eastern city of Derna, which suffered the worst destruction, Osman Abduljalil, the health minister of Libya’s eastern administration, told Almasar TV. He called the situation “catastrophic” after touring the city on Monday. According to authorities, entire neighborhoods in the city have been washed away.

Hospitals in Derna are no longer operating and morgues are overcrowded, emergency services spokesman Osama Ali said. Corpses were being left outside morgues on sidewalks, he said.
“There are no emergency services. People are currently working to collect rotting bodies,” said Anas Barghati, a doctor who is currently volunteering in Derna.

Storm Danielle, which hit several towns in northeastern Libya, was the result of a cyclone that caused catastrophic flooding in Greece last week and then spread to the Mediterranean Sea. The storm caused two dams to collapse, causing water to rush toward Derna, causing catastrophic damage, authorities said Tuesday.

“Three bridges were destroyed. The flow of water carried away entire neighborhoods, eventually dumping them into the sea,” said Ahmed Mismari, a spokesman for the Libyan National Army (LNA).

Libya’s vulnerability to extreme weather has been exacerbated by a protracted political conflict and power struggle between two rival administrations.

The UN-backed Government of National Unity (GNU) led by Abdulhamid Dbeibe sits in Tripoli in northwestern Libya, while its eastern rival is controlled by Commander Khalifa Haftar and his LNA, who support the east-based parliament. led by Osama Hamad.

Derna, about 300 kilometers east of Benghazi, falls under the control of Haftar and his eastern administration.

Poland informs the European Commission of unilateral measures to extend the embargo on grain supplies from Ukraine

On Tuesday, Warsaw informed the European Commission (EC) of its decision to unilaterally extend the embargo on grain imports from Ukraine to Poland if such measures are not adopted in Brussels, Polish radio reports.

“At the end of the government meeting, the Prime Minister’s Office informed that the Cabinet of Ministers called on the EC to extend the ban on grain imports from Ukraine, which expires on September 15,” the radio reports.

“Otherwise, Poland will impose such a ban on its own at the state level,” the report says.

“The government has decided to extend the ban on the supply of Ukrainian grain to Poland,” Polish Agriculture Minister Robert Telus said on Polish television earlier on Tuesday. – “This will benefit farmers, the Polish economy and European solidarity.

Polish television reminds that the ban on grain imports from Ukraine to the five frontline EU countries that are neighbors of Ukraine – Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia – is in effect until Friday. All of these countries have sent a request to the EU leadership to extend the embargo until the end of the year. No decision on this issue has been made yet.

The European Commission has banned imports of wheat, corn, rapeseed and sunflower seeds originating in Ukraine to Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia since May 2. On June 5, it was decided to extend these measures until September 15.

Brussels then stated that these “exceptional and temporary preventive measures” are necessary due to overcrowding in warehouses and difficulties due to the existing serious bottlenecks in logistics faced by these countries.

The European Commission also reported that the transit of these goods through these five frontline countries to the EU or other countries outside the EU remains possible.

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National Bank suspended license of “European Insurance Group”

The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) has applied a measure of influence in the form of temporary suspension of licenses to non-life insurer “European Insurance Group” (EIG, Kharkiv) in connection with non-submission of reports since the end of last year.

As reported by the central bank on Tuesday, the Committee for Supervision and Regulation of Non-banking Financial Services Markets has set a deadline for the insurer to eliminate violations until September 26, 2023.

According to the National Bank, for the first nine months of 2022, the insurer received 2542.2 thousand UAH of insurance premiums and made 39.4 thousand UAH of insurance payments, while the company’s market share for the period amounted to 0.01%.

As reported, on October 8, 2021 the NBU has agreed to Ivan Volkov indirect ownership of 99,998% of shares of ALC “European Insurance Group”. Earlier, on July 6, 2021, a trustee was appointed to this company to manage 99.998% of the insurer’s shares, the ownership of which was indirectly through LLC “Victori-21”.

UGG was registered by the National Commission for Financial Services in August 2016. The authorized capital of the company amounts to UAH 30 mln.

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Oil accelerated growth, Brent near $91.3 per barrel

Oil prices continue to rise on Tuesday afternoon, with traders waiting for new signals on supply and demand in the market.

Their attention is focused on the monthly reports of OPEC and the International Energy Agency (IEA), which will be published on Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively.

In addition, the American Petroleum Institute (API) on Tuesday, at 23:30, will publish data on oil reserves in the country for the week ended September 8. The market on average expects a decline in reserves by 2 million barrels after a drop of 5.5 million barrels a week earlier, Trading Economics notes. The Energy Ministry will release official data on Wednesday.

The cost of November futures for Brent oil on the London ICE Futures exchange by 14:42 by the end of the quarter is $91.25 per barrel, which is $0.61 (0.67%) higher than at the close of the previous session.

October futures for WTI in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) have risen by $0.71 (0.81%) to $88 per barrel by this time.


Ukraine reduced foreign exchange earnings from ferrous metals exports by 51.1%

In January-August this year, Ukraine’s metallurgical enterprises reduced their earnings from ferrous metal exports by 51.1% year-on-year to $1 billion 821.054 million.

According to statistics released by the State Customs Service (SCS), ferrous metals accounted for 7.44% of total export revenues during this period, while in the first eight months of 2022, they accounted for 12.86%.

In August, revenues from exports of ferrous metals amounted to $200.016 million, while in the previous month – $206.685 million.

At the same time, Ukraine increased imports of similar products by 53% to $855.284 million over the first eight months of this year. In August, the country imported products worth $136.466 million.

In addition, in January-August, Ukraine reduced exports of metal products by 11% compared to the eight months of the previous year, to $625.707 million. In August, they were exported for $65.114 million.

At the same time, imports of steel products increased by 24.8% to $515.548 million over the first eight months of the year. In August, Ukraine supplied $82.645 million worth of these products.

As reported earlier, in 2022, Ukraine’s steelmaking companies reduced revenues from ferrous metal exports by 67.5% compared to 2021, to $4 billion 533.088 million. During this period, ferrous metals accounted for 10.26% of total revenues from exports of goods, compared to 20.49% in 2021. At the same time, last year Ukraine reduced imports of similar products by 38.3% to $954.387 million.

In addition, in 2022, Ukraine reduced exports of metal products by 18.6% to $1 billion 52.512 million. Imports of metal products fell by 42.9% to $643.162 million over the year.

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