Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Kametstal introduces energy-saving technologies to reduce energy costs

Kametstal plant of Metinvest mining and metallurgical group, established at Dneprovsky Iron and Steel Works (DMK, Kamenskoye, Dnepropetrovsk region), implements energy-efficient project to reduce electricity consumption during blast furnace gas transportation.

According to the press release, a project to replace the blower (gas blower) is being successfully implemented at Gas Booster Station (GBS) No. 6 – as part of the mill’s cooperation with YASNO Efficiency.

The new single-stage blower (gas blower) will make it possible to significantly save electric energy in the technological process of blast furnace gas transportation of the required parameters of productivity and pressure for the rolling process.

At present, one of four gas blowers is constantly in operation at GPS-6 to ensure production of the rolling mill, which transports blast furnace gas to the heating furnaces of the pipe-forming mill. The rated power of the gas blower is 850 kW, the necessary parameters are adjusted manually, which reduces the stability of maintaining the required productivity and pressure of blast furnace gas in the gas pipeline, as well as at the same time the consumption of electricity is 650 kWh on average.

The specialists implemented solutions for installation of a new energy-efficient modern blower using the maximum amount of available technological equipment. Now specialists of the contracting organization are carrying out works on dismantling of the existing gas blower, relocation of existing communications, reconstruction of electrical premises with installation of new equipment on the existing industrial site.

The blower will be powered directly to the power supply cell in the substation room, and a new cable line will be laid from the substation to the GPS-6 room. Gas blower capacity and pressure regulation will be ensured by the installed guide apparatus and a 0.4 kV frequency converter. The control systems are individually designed on the basis of Siemens controller for automatic operation in the specified capacity range.

“Average power consumption taking into account the efficiency of the electric motor and control system of the new gas blower is approximately 200 kWh, which is three times less than the current power consumption, as well as it is the stability of parameters and improvement of working conditions of apparatusmen. Implementation of such energy-efficient solutions allows to achieve tangible energy savings and significantly reduce the company’s expenses on energy costs, which is especially important in the difficult times of martial law in the country,” the press release explains.

“Kametstal” was created on the basis of PJSC “Dneprovsky Coke and Chemical Plant” (DCCP) and CEC of PJSC “Dneprovsky Iron and Steel Works” (DMK).

According to the report of Metinvest Group’s parent company for 2020, Metinvest B.V. (Netherlands) owned 100% of DKHZ shares.

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Estimated number of population in regions of Ukraine based on number of active mobile sim cards (mln, estimated)

Estimated number of population in regions of Ukraine based on number of active mobile sim cards (mln, estimated)

Source: and

Construction of grain drying complex is being completed in Cherkasy region

The Belgian company Granex-Cherkasy LLC (Dengi village, Cherkasy region) is completing the construction of a grain drying complex with a capacity of up to 600 tons per day, according to the project developer ProjectLine.

“The customer set the task to make the most compact layout possible, so ProjectLine specialists placed the complex on a plot measuring only 19×23 m,” the designers noted.

According to the report, the farm plans to build an elevator for 15 thousand tons of simultaneous storage, a grain final cleaning department, and a loading unit for vehicles.

Granex-Cherkasy LLC was established in 2002. The company specializes in growing grains, oilseeds, potatoes and onions under irrigation, with 450 hectares of the total land bank of 3.5 thousand hectares under cultivation. The company has a floor potato storage facility with a capacity of 6 thousand tons and a vegetable storage facility for onions with a capacity of 2 thousand tons. The main beneficiary of the company is a Belgian citizen Tom van Goy, and the manager is a Belgian citizen Wim de Schutter.

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Lim Service Group buys PCCP for UAH 37.2 mln

Poltava Bakery Plant was bought by Lim Service Group LLC (Kyiv) for UAH 37.2 million, according to the Prozorro electronic public procurement system.

The State Property Fund of Ukraine put the plant up for sale in July 2023 with a starting lot price of UAH 24,337,940.

The purchase agreement for Poltava CPP was signed on September 5 with the regional office of the Fund. “Lim Service Group was the only bidder.

Under the terms of the agreement, the company is obliged to pay Poltava CPP’s debt of more than UAH 130 million and not to dismiss its employees. The plant’s accounts have been arrested.

“Lim Service Group now owns the plant in Poltava and its production branches located in Petrivka village and Skorokhodove town (Poltava region).

The property complex of Poltava Coke consists of 168 buildings with a total area of 75 thousand square meters. The facilities to be privatized include warehouses, mechanical workshops, a weighbridge, a mill, a chimney, an elevator and a process dryer.

The total area of the company’s land plots is 28.3 hectares. The vehicle fleet includes 22 vehicles. The company employs 70 people.

In the spring of 2018, the company conducted an audit of its warehouses, which led to the discovery of the theft of 3,500 tons of grain. The case is being considered by the High Anti-Corruption Court.

Poltava CPP is one of the oldest in Ukraine – about 150 years old. In the middle of the last century, the plant milled hundreds of tons of flour and could store 25,000 tons of grain in its elevators. The plant had its own railroad locomotive to transport products to the Poltava railway station.

Lim Service Group LLC was founded in 2021. It is engaged in leasing property and works in the field of law. The authorized capital of the company is UAH 2.2 million. The beneficiary is Nazar Taranenko.


DTEK increases electricity production by 28%

DTEK Energo’s thermal power plants have increased electricity production by 28% over the past four months compared to the same period in 2022, the energy holding company said in a press release on Wednesday.

“In August, when consumption held at record highs for summer due to the heat wave, power engineers generated 35% more electricity into the energy system than in August last year,” the company said.

In total, in January-August 2023, the company’s thermal power plants released about 9.9 billion kWh of electricity, which is equivalent to the average consumption of about 3.3 million households during the year.

“Power engineers do their best to, on the one hand, repair, restore and prepare the plants for maximum load in the fall and winter period, on the other hand, to reliably maintain and insure the energy system during other peak periods as well. For this purpose, just last week we put two power units of our TPPs into operation after repair, with a total capacity of almost 400 MW,” DTEK Energy CEO Ildar Saleev was quoted in the press release.

DTEK Energy currently operates six of the nine TPPs remaining in the unoccupied territory of Ukraine: Burshtynska, Dobrotvirska and Ladyzhynska TPPs (DTEK Zakhidenergo), Prydniprovska and Kryvorizka TPPs (DTEK Dniproenergo) and Kurakhovska TPP (Vostokenergo LLC).


Number of FLPs in Ukraine has exceeded 2 mln

According to information from the State Enterprise “NAIS”, Ukraine continues to observe growing dynamics in the registration of new physical persons-entrepreneurs. To date, the number of registered FLPs in the country has reached the figure of 2,052,326 people. Despite the negative effects of the war, the sphere of small and medium business continues to develop, even exceeding the previous indicators.
The data source, Opendatabot, quoted statistics from the State Enterprise “NAIS” as saying that a record 31,477 FLPs were registered in June this year, the highest number in the last three years. On average, about 25 thousand new entrepreneurs are registered every month.
Between April 2022 and September 2023, 290,910 entrepreneurs closed their doors, with an average of 17 thousand closures per month.
The impact of war is clearly felt in frontline areas and where hostilities continue. For example:
– Donetsk region lost 8.2 thousand entrepreneurs,
– Kharkiv region – 7.1 thousand,
– Kherson region – 4.5 thousand,
– Luhansk region – 3.7 thousand,
– Zaporizhzhya region – more than 2 thousand entrepreneurs.
Nevertheless, there are regions where the activity of FLP has intensified:
– Kiev was the leader with an increase of 12.9 thousand new entrepreneurs,
– Lviv region increased by 12.3 thousand,
– Dnipropetrovsk region increased its indicator by 8.6 thousand FLP.