Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has adopted resolution on procedure for registration of rights to new buildings

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has adopted a resolution which introduced the procedure for extending the law “On guaranteeing the rights to real estate objects that will be built in the future”, the head of the party “Servants of the People”, MP Elena Shulyak said.
“Ukraine has created a legal mechanism for the state to guarantee the rights to objects of unfinished construction and future real estate. Our #5091 in action! “, – wrote Shulyak in Facebook.
Implementation of this law will protect people investing in the construction of apartments, from disadvantaged developers (which, in particular, is extremely important in the reconstruction of the country after the war). The developer who wants to sell the apartments, garage boxes, other residential and non-residential premises or parking spaces must necessarily register each of these objects as a special object of property rights in the section of the register of real rights. Also, the developer must disclose detailed information about the object of construction, data about himself and the ultimate beneficiaries.
“A transparent primary real estate market and restoration of trust in construction companies is our common small internal victory,” said Shulyak.
She specified to Interfax-Ukraine agency that the corresponding section of the register is expected to be launched on June, 16.
As it was reported, the president of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenski signed the law “On guaranteeing property rights to real estate that will be built in the future” on September 8, 2022 to protect the rights of investors in new housing.
The corresponding bill #5091 was passed by the Verkhovna Rada on August 15.

President of Ukraine meets IAEA Director General in Kiev

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Rafael Grossi at a meeting in Kiev discussed specific steps to avoid safety risks at the Zaporizhzhia NPP, the president’s press service said.
“Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky held a meeting with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Rafael Grossi, who is visiting our state in fulfillment of the agreements reached during a telephone conversation between the head of state and the head of the IAEA on June 6,” the Ukrainian presidential press service said in a statement Tuesday.
Reportedly, the head of state stressed that as a result of Russia’s purposeful undermining of the Kakhovska HPP dam, which is the largest ecocide crime of modern times, the risks to the safety of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant have significantly increased. Therefore, a quick and decisive reaction of the international community to this audacious terrorist act is urgently needed.
Zelenski positively assessed the presence of the agency’s inspectors at the Zaporizhzhia NPP illegally occupied by Russia and welcomed Raphael Grossi’s intention to personally visit the plant to assess the situation on site.
The head of state once again stressed that the only way to prevent a nuclear incident at the Zaporizhzhia NPP is its complete demilitarization, de-occupation and restoration of control over the plant by Ukraine.
According to the president’s press service, during the meeting the sides discussed specific steps that need to be taken to minimize risks and prevent incidents at the Zaporizhzhya NPP, as well as ways of cooperation with the IAEA to this end.
Zelenskiy supported Rafael Grossi’s proposal to send a group of IAEA experts to Ukraine to assess the consequences of the explosion at the Kakhovska HPP and to prepare proposals on specific directions of assistance in overcoming them. He noted that this mission would be fully assisted by the Ukrainian institutions involved.


Hetmantsev proposes to return as of August 1 checks and fines for businesses

The Verkhovna Rada Committee on Finance, Tax and Customs Policy amended the government bill number 8401, proposing to postpone from July 1 to August 1, 2023, the abolition of the 2% single tax and other benefits adopted at the beginning of the war for entrepreneurs, said the head of the committee Daniel Getmantsev.

“Business inspections and fines for businesses in Ukraine will be resumed from August 1, not July 1 as previously planned,” he wrote in Telegram on Tuesday.

According to him, the Finance Committee has developed clear rules for the transition from the payment of 2% single tax on other taxes, proposed a moratorium on certain types of inspections (in particular, most inspections of 1-2 groups of single tax payers) and restrictions on the inclusion of taxpayers in scheduled inspections.

It is also planned not to take into account the “technical debt” for the period from April 2022 until July 2023 in determining the ability of single tax payers to remain on the simplified system.

Hetmantsev said that the amendments preserved the possibility of voluntary payment of the single tax and ERU for taxpayers of groups 1-2, which had a tax address in the areas of military operations (including possible hostilities) and the occupied territories.

The updates stipulate that no fines and penalties for late repayment of the tax debt in the case when the debt was corrected by the taxpayer itself to zero. In addition, exemption from financial responsibility for violations in the field of RRO (except for trade in excise taxes), if they are committed in the temporarily occupied territories or territories where military operations are (were) taking place, is proposed by the order of the Ministry of Reintegration.

The head of the committee noted that these are not the last changes and the work on the bill is still ongoing.

Deputy Head of the Committee Yaroslav Zheleznyak said that the number of amendments to this bill has already exceeded 1700, most of them were filed by the faction “Fatherland” – almost 50%.

He also stressed that, given the schedule of the Rada and the number of amendments, we should not expect the adoption of the bill before July 1.

As Ukrainian News earlier reported, draft law number 8401 was adopted by the Rada in the first reading on the eve of the IMF mission – May 29, when it was supported by 226 MPs.

The bill proposes to cancel the possibility for sole proprietors and legal entities to be single tax payers of group III with the application of the single tax rate of 2% of the amount of income and to resume payment of single tax for the I and II groups of sole proprietors.

It also provides for the resumption of documentary inspections, but during martial law they will be held in the presence of safe access to areas, premises and other property used for economic activity and / or are subject to taxation, as well as documents and other information related to the calculation and payment of taxes, fees.

This bill is one of 19 structural beacons of the four-year $15.6 billion Extended Funding Facility (EFF) program for Ukraine, which the IMF Board of Directors approved on March 31. The deadline for its implementation – the adoption of the law – in the program is set until the end of June.

The program’s scheduled schedule calls for three tranches of SDR664 million ($893 million) to be disbursed to Ukraine after the first tranche in mid-June and October of this year and in late February of the following year following the first, second and third revisions, when the fulfillment of obligations is estimated for the end of April, June and December of this year, respectively.

Salinity of the sea on the beaches of Odessa has fallen by almost 2 times

Samples of sea water in the water area of Odessa showed an excess of pollutants and a sharp drop in salinity due to the Russian occupants of the dam of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power plant on the Dnieper, but no cholera pathogens were detected, according to the Telegram channel of the Odessa City Hall “Odessa. Officially” on Tuesday.

“In samples of seawater sampled on June 10 from points in Odessa cholera pathogen and cholera-like vibrios were not detected … In samples of seawater sampled at the beach “Langeron” excess of iron in 4.8 times, salinity below the norm in 2.7 times; in samples taken at the 16-th station B. Fountain samples recorded excess of suspended solids in 1.8 times, iron – in 5.2 times, the salinity is 2.9 times below the norm,” the statement said.

At the same time, it is reported that the drinking water supplied to Odessa complies with sanitary norms. “Drinking water corresponds to the State sanitary norms and rules 2.2.4-171-10 “Hygienic requirements for drinking water intended for human consumption”, – reported in the City Hall.

The Odessa City Council reminded that the order of the Odessa Regional Military Administration of July 16, which established a special mode of movement of citizens in certain areas of the Odessa region, prohibits staying on the Black Sea coast, in particular within the beach areas, is still in force.


“Expert-Rating” has withdrawn rating of insurer Krajina

June 12 Expert-Rating rating agency decided to withdraw the financial stability rating of insurer PJSC Insurance Company Krajina (Kiev), according to the website of RA.
It is also noted that the reason for this decision is the termination of the contract.
As earlier reported, Expert Rating RA updated rating of IC Krajina at the level uaAA+ according to the national scale for the first quarter of 2023.
According to the agency, the proportion of insurance premiums of the company, owned by reinsurers, has grown by 32,2%, and their share in the structure of gross premiums has increased by 2,32 p.p., up to 4,32%.
The company has carried out UAH 1 mln of insurance payments for the first quarter of 2023, or by 32,01% less than in the same period last year, but the ratio between payments and gross premiums has grown by 5,33 p.p., to 53,49%.
Shareholders’ equity of the company has decreased by 10,38%, to UAH 139,43 mln, and gross liabilities have decreased by 3,06% down to UAH 175,91 mln, cash and cash equivalents have decreased by 5,32%, to UAH 58,82 mln, and the level of the insurer’s liabilities, as of 30 March, 2023 has not changed significantly and, as of the beginning of the Q2 2023, has amounted to 33,44%.
Herewith the RA notes, that as of the reporting date the insurer has formed a portfolio of current financial investments in government bonds in the amount of UAH 31,296 mln that has positively influenced the provision of liquid assets. In the aggregate, liquid assets (cash and OVGZ) covered 51,23% of liabilities of the insurer.
IC Krajina has been working in the insurance market of Ukraine since 1994. It has licenses for 23 types of insurance. The regional network of the insurer consists of 98 objects throughout the country.

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Agricom invested $2 mln in reorganization of oat flakes plant

Agricom Group, after liberation from occupation of Chernihiv cluster, has invested $2mn in the second stage of reorganization of the plant, which produces cereal flakes and products based on them under Dobrodiya, San Grano, San Granola, Woosyanka and Yummoji brands, the press service of the agricultural holding reported.
“Investments are aimed at opening new facilities (launching extrusion and granola shops, starting a pellet shop), creating and launching new brands (Yummoji ready-made breakfasts), development in EU countries, new technologies, etc.,” the press service quoted Anatoly Shkribliak, one of the group’s shareholders, as saying.
According to the press release, Dobrodia Foods LLC, which sells the plant’s products, changed its strategy in 2022.
“We launched our own logistics of products to European countries. In the summer of 2022 we opened a trading house in Poland, which is now successfully developing, and our products increasingly appear on the shelves of European supermarkets. We have big plans to cover all of Europe,” Shkribliak stressed.
According to his information, Agricom currently exports its products to over 40 countries.
Agricom Group is an agribusiness group founded in 2013. It specializes in the development, production and distribution of food products from grain crops. It cultivates about 28,000 hectares in Lugansk, Chernigov, Rivne and Zhytomyr regions.
In May 2018, the agroholding launched a $10.5 million plant producing cereal flakes from Dobrodia TM in the village of Mikhailo-Kotsyubinskoye (Chernigov region). Dobrodia Foods LLC (Kiev) produces and sells grocery products, which include wheat flour, flour from other grains, cereal flakes and cereal mixtures.
This company was occupied in March 2022 by Russian troops and liberated by the AFU in April, in the same month the company resumed cereal production.