Business news from Ukraine

Prices of Ukrainian industrial producers increased by 3.3% in April

26 May , 2024  

Prices of Ukrainian industrial producers increased by 3.3% in April 2024, compared to a 9.1% drop in March, the State Statistics Service (Ukrstat) reported on Friday.
The State Statistics Service specifies that between April and March 2024, prices of industrial producers within Ukraine increased by 3.6%, and by 0.9% for supplies outside the country.
According to its data, in annual terms (compared to the same month last year), industrial prices rose by 4.9% in April 2024, and by only 0.2% in March.
In the first four months of this year, the growth in industrial prices amounted to 5.7% compared to the same period in 2023.
According to the statistics agency, in the mining and quarrying industry, products fell by 0.3% in April compared to the previous month of 2024. Prices in hard coal mining decreased by 1.9%, crude oil and natural gas production by 0.4%, while prices in metal ore mining increased by 2%.
Prices increased in the supply of electricity and gas by 6.8%, in energy production by 5.4%, in the manufacture of computers, electronic and optical products by 1.5%, in chemical products by 1.1%, in metallurgy by 1%, in the manufacture of rubber and plastic products by 0.9%, in electrical equipment by 0.8%, in pharmaceutical products by 0.7%, in the food industry by 0.4%, in machine building by 0.3%, and in textile production by 0.2%.
At the same time, prices declined in the production of coke and refined products by 5.1%.